April 29 2017 Week 17 Saturday

Every man is a poet when he is in love.


It is said this saying was from Plato, the famous ancient philosopher.

Notice that when you are dating with a girl, the romantic process may involve flowers, chocolate, sweet words and surprising gifts, even if you were an idiot, you may learn to do these things if you really love the girl.

Remember although sweet words cost nothing if measured in money, they have powerful and unimaginable effects on the girl‘s heart.

And it may be not so easy to say sweet words, sometimes it may rack your brains to think up some suitable words. All in all, we need to do a lot of exercise to become familiar with that.

A day without laughter is a day wasted.


From Charlie Chaplin.

Charlie Chaplin, born on 16 April 1889 and died on 25 December 1977, was an English comic actor, film maker, and composer who rose to fame during the era of silent film.

His classic image, the pants baggy, the coat tight, the hat small and the shoes large, and the iconic samll moustache, messed with his funny and somewhat exaggerated behaviours, had given all of his audience a deep impression, and had always maken them laugh heartily.

As the saying goes, laugh decade less.

It is just due to the hearty laughter those great comics brought to us that can we remember them.

Whether it is in good times or bad times, it is always beneficial to show your laughter, especially when you are in your difficult time, you will find it may help you relieve the stress and refresh your exhausted body.

Since it is no use to cry for the spilt milk, why don‘t we just have a laughter towards the ridicule of the fate?

Maybe the fate would get annoyed and give you some lucky gifts.

时间: 2024-07-28 21:08:12

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