OVN conntrack flag

 1 The following flags describe the state of the tracking:
 2              0x01: new
 3                      This is the beginning of a new connection. This flag  may
 4                      only be present for uncommitted connections.
 6               0x02: est
 7                      This is part of an already existing connection. This flag
 8                      may only be present for committed connections.
10               0x04: rel
11                      This is a connection that is related to an existing  con‐
12                      nection, for instance ICMP "destination unreachable" mes‐
13                      sages or FTP data connections.  This  flag  may  only  be
14                      present for committed connections.
16               0x08: rpl
17                      The  flow  is  in the reply direction, meaning it did not
18                      initiate the connection. This flag may  only  be  present
19                      for committed connections.
21               0x10: inv
22                      The state is invalid, meaning that the connection tracker
23                      couldn‘t identify the connection. This flag is  a  catch-
24                      all  for  any  problems  that  the connection tracker may
25                      have, for example:
27                      - L3/L4 protocol handler is not loaded/unavailable.  With
28                      the  Linux  kernel  datapath,  this  may  mean  that  the
29                      "nf_conntrack_ipv4" or  "nf_conntrack_ipv6"  modules  are
30                      not loaded.
32                      -  L3/L4  protocol  handler determines that the packet is
33                      malformed.
35                      - Packets are unexpected length for protocol.
37               0x20: trk
38                      This packet is tracked, meaning that  it  has  previously
39                      traversed  the  connection  tracker.  If this flag is not
40                      set, then no other flags will be set.  If  this  flag  is
41                      set,  then the packet is tracked and other flags may also
42                      be set.
44               0x40: snat
45                      This packet was transformed by source address/port trans‐
46                      lation by a preceding ct action.
48               0x80: dnat
49                      This  packet  was transformed by destination address/port
50                      translation by a preceding ct action
52 Connection State Machine  : http://www.iptables.info/en/connection-state.html
时间: 2024-12-17 17:31:35

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代码: #include<stdio.h> void BubbleSort(int a[],int n){ int i,j; int temp; int flag = 1; // 此处flag变量的设置可以提高算法的效率 for(i=0;i<n-1&&flag;i++){ flag=0; for(j=1;j<n-i;j++){ if(a[j]<a[j-1]){ temp = a[j]; a[j] = a[j-1]; a[j-1] = temp; flag=1;


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