优化脚本性能 Optimizing Script Performance

This page gives some general hints for improving script performance on iOS.


Reduce Fixed Delta Time 减少固定的增量时间

Use a fixed delta time value between 0.04 and 0.067 seconds (ie, 15-25 frames per second). You can change this in Edit->Project Settings->Time. This reduces the frequency with which FixedUpdate is called and how often the physics engine has to perform collision detection and rigidbody updates. If you are using a rigidbody for the main character, you can enable interpolation in the Rigidbody Component to smooth out low fixed delta time steps.

使用fixedDeltaTime值在0.04~0.067秒之间(例如,每秒15~25帧之间)。可以在Edit->Project Settings->Time修改这个。这降低了FixedUpdate被调用和物理引擎执行碰撞检测和刚体更新的频率。如果为主角色使用刚体,你可以在刚体组件启用插值来平滑降低固定增量时间步。

Reduce GetComponent Calls 减少GetComponent调用

Using GetComponent or built-in component accessors can have a noticeable overhead. You can avoid this by getting a reference to the component once and assigning it to a variable (sometimes referred to as "caching" the reference). For example, if you are using something like:-


function Update () {
    transform.Translate(0, 1, 0);

...you would get better performance by changing it to:-

......通过改变它会得到更好的性能: -

var myTransform : Transform;

function Awake () {
   myTransform = transform;

function Update () {
    myTransform.Translate(0, 1, 0);

Avoid Allocating Memory 避免分配内存

You should avoid allocating new objects unless you really need to, since they increase the garbage collection overhead when they are no longer in use. You can often reuse arrays and other objects rather than allocate new ones and doing so will help to minimise garbage collection. Also, you should use structs instead of classes where possible. Struct variables are allocated from the stack like simple types rather than from the heap like object types. Since stack allocation is faster and involves no garbage collection, structs will often improve performance if they are fairly small in size. While large structs will still avoid allocation/collection overhead, they will incur a separate overhead due to "pass-by-value" copying and may actually be less efficient than the equivalent object classes.


Minimise the GUI 尽量减少GUI

The GUILayout functions are very convenient for automatic spacing of GUI elements. However, this automation naturally comes with a processing overhead. You can avoid some of this overhead by handling the layout manually using the GUI functions. Additionally, you can set a script‘s useGUILayoutvariable to false in order to disable the layout phase completely:-


function Awake () {
    useGUILayout = false;

Use iOS Script Call Optimization 使用iOS脚本调用优化

Most of the functions in the UnityEngine namespace are implemented in C/C++. Calling a C/C++ function from a Mono script involves a performance overhead. You can use iOS Script Call optimization (menu: Edit->Project Settings->Player) to save about 1 to 4 milliseconds per frame. The options for this setting are:-

大多数在UnityEngine命名空间的功能是在C/C++实现。从Mono脚本调用C/C++功能涉及到性能开销。可以使用iOS脚本调用优化(菜单: Edit->Project Settings->Player),节省大约每帧1至4毫秒。

  • Slow and Safe - the default Mono internal call handling with exception support. 
    慢而安全 - 默认的Mono内部调用支持异常处理。
  • Fast and Exceptions Unsupported - a faster implementation of Mono internal call handling. However, this doesn‘t support exceptions and so should be used with caution. An app that doesn‘t explicitly handle exceptions (and doesn‘t need to deal with them gracefully) is an ideal candidate for this option. 
    快而不提供异常 - Mono内部调用处理快速执行。然而,并不提供异常,所以应慎用。应用程序并不需要明确的处理异常,用此选项。

Optimizing Garbage Collection 优化垃圾收集

As mentioned above, it is best to avoid allocations as far as possible. However, given that they can‘t be completely eliminated, there are two main strategies you can use to minimise their intrusion into gameplay:-

如上所述,最好是尽可能避免分配。然而,由于不能完全消除,主要有两种方法可以使用,以减少它们侵入到游戏: -

Small heap with fast and frequent garbage collection

This strategy is often best for games that have long periods of gameplay where a smooth framerate is the main concern. A game like this will typically allocate small blocks frequently but these blocks will be in use only briefly. The typical heap size when using this strategy on iOS is about 200KB and garbage collection will take about 5ms on an iPhone 3G. If the heap increases to 1MB, the collection will take about 7ms. It can therefore be advantageous sometimes to request a garbage collection at a regular frame interval. This will generally make collections happen more often than strictly necessary but they will be processed quickly and with minimal effect on gameplay:-

这种策略对于长时间的游戏是最好的,有平滑的帧率是主要的考量。像这样的游戏通常会频繁地分配小块,但这些块将只是简单使用。当在iOS上使用这一策略时,典型的堆大小是大约200KB,在iPhone 3G垃圾收集大于需要5ms,如果堆增加到1MB,收集大约需要7ms。因此这是很有利的,有时垃圾收集在一个规则的帧间隔。这通常会使收集发生很多时候绝对必要的,但他们将迅速处理并对游戏影响很小: -

if (Time.frameCount % 30 == 0)

However, you should use this technique with caution and check the profiler statistics to make sure that it is really reducing collection time for your game.


Large heap with slow but infrequent garbage collection

This strategy works best for games where allocations (and therefore collections) are relatively infrequent and can be handled during pauses in gameplay. It is useful for the heap to be as large as possible without being so large as to get your app killed by the OS due to low system memory. However, the Mono runtime avoids expanding the heap automatically if at all possible. You can expand the heap manually by preallocating some placeholder space during startup (ie, you instantiate a "useless" object that is allocated purely for its effect on the memory manager):-


function Start() {
	var tmp = new System.Object[1024];

	// make allocations in smaller blocks to avoid them to be treated in a special way, which is designed for large blocks
        for (var i : int = 0; i < 1024; i++)
		tmp[i] = new byte[1024];

	// release reference
        tmp = null;

A sufficiently large heap should not get completely filled up between those pauses in gameplay that would accommodate a collection. When such a pause occurs, you can request a collection explicitly:-



Again, you should take care when using this strategy and pay attention to the profiler statistics rather than just assuming it is having the desired effect.


页面最后更新: 2011-10-11

标签: 优化脚本 iOS Unity3D

分类:Manual| 翻译: U_鹰

时间: 2024-08-24 19:22:27

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