POJ 3076 数独(DLX算法)


Time Limit: 10000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 4439   Accepted: 2160


A Sudoku grid is a 16x16 grid of cells grouped in sixteen 4x4 squares, where some cells are filled with letters from A to P (the first 16 capital letters of the English alphabet), as shown in figure 1a. The game is to fill all the empty grid cells with letters from A to P such that each letter from the grid occurs once only in the line, the column, and the 4x4 square it occupies. The initial content of the grid satisfies the constraints mentioned above and guarantees a unique solution. 
Write a Sudoku playing program that reads data sets from a text file.


Each data set encodes a grid and contains 16 strings on 16 consecutive lines as shown in figure 2. The i-th string stands for the i-th line of the grid, is 16 characters long, and starts from the first position of the line. String characters are from the set {A,B,…,P,-}, where – (minus) designates empty grid cells. The data sets are separated by single empty lines and terminate with an end of file.


The program prints the solution of the input encoded grids in the same format and order as used for input.

Sample Input


Sample Output







  1 #include<cstdio>
  2 #include<cstring>
  3 #define N 4099
  4 #define M 1029
  6 const int m=4,n=16;
  7 int tt,H=4*n*n,cnt,size[M],ans[20][20];
  8 //char str[100];
 10 struct Node
 11 {
 12     int r,c;
 13     Node *U,*D,*L,*R;
 14 }node[N*M],row[N],col[M],head;
 16 void init(int r,int c)
 17 {
 18     int i;
 19     cnt=0;
 20     head.r=r;
 21     head.c=c;
 22     head.L=head.R=head.U=head.D=&head;
 23     for(i=0;i<c;i++)
 24     {
 25         col[i].r=r;
 26         col[i].c=i;
 27         col[i].L=&head;
 28         col[i].R=head.R;
 29         col[i].U=col[i].D=col[i].L->R=col[i].R->L=&col[i];
 30         size[i]=0;
 31     }
 32     for(i=r-1;i>=0;i--)
 33     {
 34         row[i].r=i;
 35         row[i].c=c;
 36         row[i].U=&head;
 37         row[i].D=head.D;
 38         row[i].L=row[i].R=row[i].U->D=row[i].D->U=&row[i];
 39     }
 40 }
 42 void insert(int r,int c)
 43 {
 44     Node *p=&node[cnt++];
 45     p->r=r;
 46     p->c=c;
 47     p->R=&row[r];
 48     p->L=row[r].L;
 49     p->L->R=p->R->L=p;
 50     p->U=&col[c];
 51     p->D=col[c].D;
 52     p->U->D=p->D->U=p;
 53     ++size[c];
 54 }
 55 void delLR(Node *p)
 56 {
 57     p->L->R=p->R;
 58     p->R->L=p->L;
 59 }
 60 void delUD(Node *p)
 61 {
 62     p->U->D=p->D;
 63     p->D->U=p->U;
 64 }
 66 void resumeLR(Node *p)
 67 {p->L->R=p->R->L=p;}
 69 void resumeUD(Node *p)
 70 {p->U->D=p->D->U=p;}
 72 void cover(int c)
 73 {
 74     if(c==H)
 75         return;
 76     Node *R,*C;
 77     delLR(&col[c]);
 78     for(C=col[c].D;C!=&col[c];C=C->D)
 79         for(R=C->L;R!=C;R=R->L)
 80         {
 81             --size[R->c];
 82             delUD(R);
 83         }
 84 }
 85 void resume(int c)
 86 {
 87     if(c==H)
 88         return;
 89     Node *R,*C;
 90     for(C=col[c].U;C!=&col[c];C=C->U)
 91         for(R=C->R;R!=C;R=R->R)
 92         {
 93             ++size[R->c];
 94             resumeUD(R);
 95         }
 96     resumeLR(&col[c]);
 97 }
 98 int num,tar,block[20][20];
 99 char map[N][N];
101 int dfs(int k)
102 {
103     if(head.L==&head)
104     {
105         num++;
106         if(num)
107             return 1;
108         return 0;
109     }
110     int INF=-1u>>1,r,c=-1;
111     Node *p,*rc;
112     for(p=head.L;p!=&head;p=p->L)
113         if(size[p->c]<INF)
114             INF=size[c=p->c];
115     if(!INF)
116         return 0;
117     cover(c);
118     for(p=col[c].D;p!=&col[c];p=p->D)
119     {
120         for(rc=p->L;rc!=p;rc=rc->L)
121             cover(rc->c);
122         r=p->r-1;
123         if(num==0)
124             ans[r/(n*n)][r/n%n]=r%n;
125         if(dfs(k+1))
126             return 1;
127         for(rc=p->R;rc!=p;rc=rc->R)
128             resume(rc->c);
129     }
130     resume(c);
131     return 0;
132 }
134 void insert(int i,int j,int k)
135 {
136     int r=(i*n+j)*n+k;
137     insert(r,i*n+k-1);
138     insert(r,n*n+j*n+k-1);
139     insert(r,2*n*n+block[i][j]*n+k-1);
140     insert(r,3*n*n+i*n+j);
141 }
142 void Sudoku()
143 {
144     int i,j,k;
145     init(n*n*n+1,H);
146     k=0;
147     for(i=1;i<n;i++)
148         scanf("%s",map[i]);
151     num=0;
152     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
153         for(j=0;j<n;j++)  {
154            if(i<4&&j<4){
155                block[i][j]=0;
156             }
157             else if(i<4&&j<8){
158                block[i][j]=1;
159             }
160             else if(i<4&&j<12){
161             block[i][j]=2;
162             }
163             else if(i<4&&j<16){
164             block[i][j]=3;
165             }
166             else if(i<8&&j<4){
167                block[i][j]=4;
168             }
169             else if(i<8&&j<8){
170                block[i][j]=5;
171             }
172             else if(i<8&&j<12){
173             block[i][j]=6;
174             }
175             else if(i<8&&j<16){
176             block[i][j]=7;
177             }
178             else if(i<12&&j<4){
179                block[i][j]=8;
180             }
181             else if(i<12&&j<8){
182                block[i][j]=9;
183             }
184             else if(i<12&&j<12){
185             block[i][j]=10;
186             }
187             else if(i<12&&j<16){
188             block[i][j]=11;
189             }
190             else if(i<16&&j<4){
191                block[i][j]=12;
192             }
193             else if(i<16&&j<8){
194                block[i][j]=13;
195             }
196             else if(i<16&&j<12){
197             block[i][j]=14;
198             }
199             else if(i<16&&j<16){
200             block[i][j]=15;
201             }
202         }
203     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
204         for(j=0;j<n;j++)
205         {
206             if(map[i][j]!=‘-‘)
207                 insert(i,j,map[i][j]-‘A‘+1);
208             else
209                 for(k=1;k<=n;k++)
210                     insert(i,j,k);
211         }
212     num=0;
213     dfs(0);
216         for(i=0;i<n;i++)
217         {
218             for(j=0;j<n;j++)
219                 printf("%c",(char)ans[i][j]+‘A‘);
220             printf("\n");
221         }
222      printf("\n");
223 }
224 int main()
225 {
226     int t;
227    while(scanf("%s",map[0])!=EOF)
228      Sudoku();
230 }  
时间: 2024-08-27 14:16:08

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