1、IAMExtDevice 接口:这个接口继承 IUnKnown 接口,控制设备的基本函数,其中的一些方法如下:
2、IAMStreamConfig 接口,在确定的采集和压缩过滤器上设置一些输出格式,同时设置音频/视频。用户能使用这个接口设置一些属性,比如:视频的输出路数和帧率,音频的采样率和通道数。同样是继承 IUnKnown 接口,其中一些方法如下:
注意,过滤器需要在他们的输出 IPin 上获得 IAMStreamConfig 接口,所以在使用该接口之前要枚举过滤器的 PIn,或者你也可以使用 Capture Graph Builder 对象来建立filter graph,你可以调用ICaptureGraphBuilder2::FindInterface 方法.注意在采集的时候可能要区分采集Pin和预览Pin。
IAMStreamConfig::GetNumberOfCapabilities () 方法的函数原型如下:
HRESULT GetNumberOfCapabilities( int* piCount, int* piSize );
第一个参数用来保存所有可支持的音频/视频设备的数量,第二个参数用来保存配置AUDIO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS 或者 VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS,结构体的大小。
IAMStreamConfig::GetStreamCaps () 方法的函数原型如下:
HRESULT GetStreamCaps( int iIndex, AM_MEDIA_TYPE** pmt, BYTE* pSCC );
这个方法获取音频、视频或者其他数据流的所依靠的结构体类型,在 pSCC中被指出,第一个参数是与GetNumberOfCapabilities方法对应piCount 中的设备标号,第二个参数是指向媒体类型结构体的指针,第三个参数指向媒体流的配置结构体。
- guid
GUID that identifies the format type. For example, FORMAT_VideoInfo or FORMAT_VideoInfo2. For more information, see the formattype member of the AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure. - VideoStandard
The analog video standard supported. The value is a bitwise combination of flags from theAnalogVideoStandard enumeration
type, or zero. - InputSize
Native size of the incoming video signal. For a compressor, the size is taken from the input pin. For a capture filter, the size is the largest signal the filter can digitize with every pixel remaining unique.Note Deprecated.
- MinCroppingSize
Smallest source rectangle allowed. The source rectangle is defined in the rcSource member of theVIDEOINFOHEADER or VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure.Note Deprecated.
- MaxCroppingSize
Largest source rectangle allowed.Note Deprecated.
- CropGranularityX
Horizontal granularity of the source rectangle. This value specifies the increments that are valid betweenMinCroppingSize and MaxCroppingSize.Note Deprecated.
- CropGranularityY
Vertical granularity of the source rectangle. This value specifies the increments that are valid betweenMinCroppingSize and MaxCroppingSize.Note Deprecated.
- CropAlignX
Required horizontal alignment of the source rectangle.Note Deprecated.
- CropAlignY
Required vertical alignment of the source rectangle.Note Deprecated.
- MinOutputSize
Minimum output size.Note Deprecated.
- MaxOutputSize
Maximum output size.Note Deprecated.
- OutputGranularityX
Granularity of the output width. This value specifies the increments that are valid betweenMinOutputSize and MaxOutputSize.Note Deprecated.
- OutputGranularityY
Granularity of output height. This value specifies the increments that are valid between MinOutputSizeand MaxOutputSize.Note Deprecated.
- StretchTapsX
Indicates how well the filter can stretch the image horizontally.Note Deprecated.
- StretchTapsY
Indicates how well the filter can stretch the image vertically.Note Deprecated.
- ShrinkTapsX
Indicates how well the filter can shrink the image horizontally.Note Deprecated.
- ShrinkTapsY
Indicates how well the filter can shrink the image vertically.Note Deprecated.
The previous four structure members use the following values:
Value Meaning - 0
Does not support stretching/shrinking.- 1
Uses pixel doubling (stretching) or eliminates pixels (shrinking)- 2
Uses interpolation (2 taps)- 3 and higher
Uses interpolation (>2 taps) - MinFrameInterval
The minimum frame duration, in 100-nanosecond units. This value applies only to capture filters. - MaxFrameInterval
The maximum frame duration, in 100-nanosecond units. This value applies only to capture filters. - MinBitsPerSecond
Minimum data rate this pin can produce.Note Deprecated.
- MaxBitsPerSecond
Maximum data rate this pin can produce.
3、IAMVideoControl 接口,这个接口让你可以水平或者垂直的反转一幅图片,可以设置一个外部触法按钮来采集图像,软件的方式模拟外部触法,以及列出可用帧率。同样是继承IUnKnown 接口,其中的方法如下: