built-in SpecularType of Unity

built-in SpecularType of Unity












时间: 2024-08-07 04:33:27

built-in SpecularType of Unity的相关文章

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Unity for Windows: II – Publishing Unity games to Windows Store

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一.正文 问: RT,最近有看到UWA_GOT工具新增了iOS版本的支持,于是下载了最新的工具包进行了接入测试.是按照文档直接将UWA_GOTv2.0.1_iOS.unitypackage导入进了Unity项目内,并且做了配置.但是发现添加了UWA_GOT插件以后iOS上不能正常出包,总是卡在xcodebuild archive这一步:报错信息如下: ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** The following build commands failed: Check dependenc