Oracle 通过ADR工具 收集ORA-600错误信息


2014-06-10 在点检数据库预警文件时,出现Ora -00600 错误,并且Rman L1 备份失败,查询相关资料,得知是Bug:9835218。于是,提SR寻求Oracle 官方技术支持。


Your Service Request has been submitted as anORA-600/ORA-7445 issue based on the problem type you chose when logging the SR.

Additional diagnostic data is needed.

Execute the action plan described in [Doc ID1638904.1] "ORA-600 / ORA-7445: Checklist of Evidence to Supply" andupload the collected information to ensure rapid resolution.

If this information was already provided at SRcreation, please ignore this action request.

The SR will be assigned to a technicalengineer after:

1. The requested information is provided


2. Your Service Request is updated asking forreview and assignment

The engineer will need the diagnostic data toproceed with resolution steps even if assignment is requested.

If you receive a notification that this SR hasbeen updated, un-check the "Hide System Messages" box to seeadditional information.

参考文档:  Doc ID1638904.1 和

Oracle 要求收集相关异常资料,并上传到sr,现将收集过程介绍如下:以便大家在遇到同样问题时,作为参考:


ADR 路径

查看参数: diagnostic_dest   +diag/<product_type>/<prod_id>/<instance_id>.

也可以查询视图: V$DIAG_INFO:



$ adrci

ADRCI:Release - Production on Thu Jun 12 09:52:25 2014

Copyright(c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

ADR base= "/u01/app/oracle"



adrci> show home

--show home willlist all the ADR homes. Set the proper database ADR home for use with ADRCI.

adrci> sethomepath database_home


adrci> show problem

ADR Home =/u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/XXXdb/XXXDB2:


PROBLEM_ID           PROBLEM_KEY                                                LAST_INCIDENT        LASTINC_TIME

-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------

1                    ORA 7445[lsfcln2()+52]                                    161345               2013-04-3014:02:25.311000 +08:00

2                    ORA 7445 [kkqstfppu()+150]                                  311712               2014-02-19 09:11:17.274000+08:00

3                    ORA 7445[qecinisub()+50]                                   311344               2014-03-03 17:31:50.828000+08:00

4                    ORA 600 [krbbsThrottle_zero_total_size]                   453579               2014-06-1009:57:18.828000 +08:00

4 rows fetched



Checkfor the incidents reported for the problem which needs to be packaged

Each occurrence of the problem is called an ‘incident‘. The instance alert filewill show all the incidents reported. Each incident will be associated with aunique incident id in the ADR.

From the ADRCI prompt, execute the SHOW INCIDENT command forthe problem to be investigated, by specifying the associated problem key. Youcan get the problem key from the SHOW PROBLEM command:

adrci> showincident -p "problem_key=‘ORA 1578‘"

ADR Home = /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/db11g/db11g:



--------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------

18147           ORA1578                 2009-06-0122:02:08.805002 +10:00

1 rows fetched

打包trace 文件

Packagethe trace files invoking IPS.

Generate the package using the IPS PACK command and store thegenerated package in a directory of your choice. The example below shows thepackage for the incident will be created in the /tmp directory.

adrci> ips pack incident 18147 in /tmp

Generated package 9 in file /tmp/, modecomplete

上传到Oracle Support寻求解决方法

Oracle 通过ADR工具 收集ORA-600错误信息,布布扣,

时间: 2024-08-08 22:08:34

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