HADOOP cluster some issue for installation

给namenode搭建了HA,然后根据网上的配置也配置了secondary namenode,

但是一直没有从日志中看到启动secondnary namenode,当然进程也没有。


hdfs getconf –secondaryNameNodes

Incorrect configuration: secondary namenode address dfs.namenode.secondary.http-address is not configured.



hdfs secondarynamenode –format


15/08/01 21:25:56 FATAL namenode.SecondaryNameNode: Failed to start secondary namenode
java.io.IOException: Cannot use SecondaryNameNode in an HA cluster. The Standby Namenode will perform checkpointing.

这个错误提示让我恍然大悟,在HA情况下,就不需要再做secondary namenode来做了,standby namendoe已经做了Secondary namenode做的事了。



解决方法:启动export HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console

随便执行一个命令如:hdfs dfs –ls /


时间: 2024-12-29 13:05:01

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