R执行报错:Error in `[<-.ts`(`*tmp*`,...only replacement of elements is allowed




all_predata_time <- data.frame(pd=0.1,Row=1,preRow=0,pt=0.1,stasid=‘1‘,InitDate=‘1‘);
all_predata_time <- all_predata_time[-1,]

stasPowerPre_Time <- function(staid){
    maxDate <- max(testSrc$bizdate)
    tsd<- ts(testSrc$dp,start=c(2016,01,01),frequency=365)
    x <- ets(tsd)
    pred <- forecast(x,h=365)

    predata <- data.frame(pd = pred$mean)
    predata$Row <-as.integer(row.names(predata));
    predata$preRow <- predata$Row -1;
    predata$pt <- as.double(c(0));
    predata$stasid <- staid;
    predata$InitDate <- maxDate ;
    all_predata_time <<- rbind(all_predata_time,predata)



all_predata_time <- data.frame(pd=0.1,Row=1,preRow=0,pt=0.1,stasid=‘1‘,InitDate=‘1‘);
all_predata_time <- all_predata_time[-1,]

stasPowerPre_Time <- function(staid){
    maxDate <- max(testSrc$bizdate)
    tsd<- ts(testSrc$dp,start=c(2016,01,01),frequency=365)
    x <- ets(tsd)
    pred <- forecast(x,h=365)

    predata <- data.frame(pd = as.double(pred$mean))
    predata$Row <-as.integer(row.names(predata));
    predata$preRow <- predata$Row -1;
    predata$pt <- as.double(c(0));
    predata$stasid <- staid;
    predata$InitDate <- maxDate ;
    all_predata_time <<- rbind(all_predata_time,predata)




时间: 2024-11-10 14:12:22

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