LeetCode 302. Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels




class Solution {
    int i_min=INT_MAX, i_max=INT_MIN;
    int j_min=INT_MAX, j_max=INT_MIN;

    vector<vector<int>> dirs={{1,0},{-1,0},{0,1},{0,-1}};

    int minArea(vector<vector<char>>& image, int x, int y) {
        return (i_max-i_min+1)*(j_max-j_min+1);

    void dfs(vector<vector<char>>& image, int i, int j){
        if (i<0 || i>=image.size() || j<0 || j>=image[0].size() || image[i][j]==‘0‘) return;
        i_min=min(i_min,i); i_max=max(i_max,i);
        j_min=min(j_min,j); j_max=max(j_max,j);
        image[i][j] = ‘0‘;

        for (auto dir:dirs){


Binary Search




最大的问题是二分。举个例子,比如 000111 找边界,我们可以用和 lower_bound 一样的思路去做。搜索区间 [low,high),解区间 [low,high],

同时,如果当前是投影到水平方向,我们要搜索 image[mid][i] 来判断这个元素的值;如果是投影到竖直方向,同理。这样的好处是把投影的过程和二分一起做,否则投影只能先处理好,而生成投影数组时间复杂度为 O(mn)。而这样和二分一起处理的话,水平和竖直方向时间复杂度分别为 O(mlogn) 和 O(nlogm)。

class Solution {
    int minArea(vector<vector<char>>& image, int x, int y) {
        int m=image.size(), n=image[0].size();
        int left=HorizontalSearch(image,0,y,0,m,true);
        int right=HorizontalSearch(image,y+1,n,0,m,false);
        int top=VerticalSearch(image,0,x,0,n,true);
        int bottom=VerticalSearch(image,x+1,m,0,n,false);
        return (right-left)*(bottom-top);

    // [low,high)
    // if whiteToBlack, find the first black, otherwise find the first white
    int HorizontalSearch(vector<vector<char>> &image, int low, int high, int top, int bottom, bool whiteToBlack){
        while (low<high){
            int mid=(low+high)/2, k=top;
            bool isWhite=true;
            while (k<bottom)
                if (image[k][mid]==‘1‘) {isWhite=false; break;}
                else ++k;
            if (isWhite==whiteToBlack) low=mid+1;
            else high=mid;
        return low;

    int VerticalSearch(vector<vector<char>> &image, int low, int high, int left, int right, bool whiteToBlack){
        while (low<high){
            int mid=(low+high)/2, k=left;
            bool isWhite=true;
            while (k<right)
                if (image[mid][k]==‘1‘) {isWhite=false; break;}
                else ++k;
            if (isWhite==whiteToBlack) low=mid+1;
            else high=mid;
        return low;

    if (isWhite==whiteToBlack)
        low = mid+1;
        high = mid;

    if (whiteToBlack){
        if (isWhite) low=mid+1;
        else high=mid;
        if (isWhite) high=mid;
        else low=mid+1;



时间复杂度 O(mlogn+nlogm)

空间复杂度 O(1)




时间: 2024-08-11 16:00:14

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