
CP2011 Assignment Details, SP1 2014
Imagine that you are programmer for a
small independent software company. You have been given the task of implementing
a prototype electronic restaurant management system as a proof-of-concept. The
customer is a small local restaurant owner interested in exploring how
technology might improve the business workflow.
Here is what the restaurant
owner discussed with your software company:
“Our waiters take orders on
pieces of paper at the moment. So we would really like a computer-based system
that is more reliable and easy to use. We also need a coordinated way for the
waiters to handle table placement. Our tables are modular, so it’s easy to make
big tables out of small ones. Each small table is a square 4 seater, which we
used to seat 2-4 customers.
Customers can walk in or book ahead. We are happy
to organise a table for group sizes from 2 people up to 14 people if there is
enough space. We can fit a maximum of 56 seats in 4 columns of 6 small square
seaters pushed together, with enough walking room between each column. Our
restaurant space is almost grid-like, so we came up with this simple drawing
technique for tracking the tables on a whiteboard in the kitchen:
Each table
gets a number that uniquely identifies it. Green squares are for tables in use,
whereas orange squares are for reserved tables. We write the booking time next
to the orange squares. Around each table we show the seating arrangement with
numbers. We would like an electronic version of our whiteboard system since our
staff are very comfortable using it.
Our waiters are told to rearrange tables
to suit walk in customers as necessary. Note that a booking will stand as long
as the customer arrives no later than 45mins after the booking time.
kitchen needs to get orders out as quickly as possible, so we really need some
clever way to tell the waiters when orders are ready to serve. Also, as
ingredients are used up we need an easy way to keep track of our stock so it
does not run out unexpectedly. We have nothing in place which makes that task
easy at the moment. Lastly, we recently purchased electronic systems for doing
Payrolls and Accounting, which we hope can be made to interoperate with the new
electronic restaurant management system. ”
Requirements Analysis
software company made an agreement with the owner regarding the requirements of
the prototype system you are developing, as follows:
? Use web application
technology: HTML5/JS, JavaEE, MySQL, and Tomcat
o HTML forms that posts
requests to Java Servlets
o Java Servlets programmed to interact with a MySQL
? The web content will be static and dynamic pages, customised for
the needs of the users:
o Waiters use mobile devices with a screen size of
480(w) x 800(h) pixels
o Kitchen staff use a touch screen computer with a
screen size of 1280(w) x 1024(h)
o You are not required to implement any kind
of login management
? The prototype system consists of three main components:
1) Table management, 2) Order management, and 3) Inventory management
Depending on the progress of the programmer, the customer will be satisfied with
two of the three components being implemented
o However, table management is
a mandatory part of the prototype
o Another optional part of the prototype is
a MOCK implementation of APIs for interacting with the Payroll and Accounting
Submission details:
? Individual submission: due 5pm Friday of
Week13, SP1 2014
? The required software artefacts for the prototype
? A high-level deployment diagram illustrating the necessary software
and hardware setup
? A UCD, and the following “fully dressed” use-cases:
Table management: Place table, Change table, Remove table, Booking overdue
o Order management: Create order, Change order, Order ready
o Kitchen management: Restock ingredient, Use ingredient, Low
stock notification
? A Domain model that adequately describes the problem
domain for the restaurant, used to help define the MySQL database schema
The production code and the associated UML design diagrams, annotated with
information about what design patterns were used
? JUnit tests for
server-side functionality excluding Servlet classes
? The GUI does not have
to be fancy (e.g. animated drop-down menus), but some use of CSS that defines a
consistent look-and-feel across all pages is expected
? Use HTML canvas 2D
graphics and DOM events for Table management visualisation
? The MySQL
database should record information about the tables, orders, and inventory
You are not expected to produce a highly normalised database design
o But,
some care should be taken when choosing appropriate column data types
? Your
assignment will be evaluated by 1) executing your prototype to see how well your
use-cases have been implemented, and 2) executing the server-side JUnit test
o You are expected to provide comprehensive test cases for database
o And, we will evaluate in detail at least two use-cases from
two of the major system components that you implement

名称 餐厅电子管理系统
软件环境 Eclipse(javaEE,tomcat)


开发语言 Html5/js



硬件环境 pc
项目要求 餐厅电子管理系统

56 座的每个由6小桌子拼起来的大桌,之间能有空间给人行走。下面这是一个正在使用的简易白板



用到的技术:HTML5/JS, JavaEE, MySQL, and Tomcat

Html表给JAVA Servlets传递需求

JAVA Servlets和MySQL database交互

网页的内容是静态动态结合:餐桌管理480(w) x 800(h) pixels

菜单管理 1280(w) x 1024(h) pixels






餐桌管理: Place table, Change table, Remove table, Booking overdue

菜单管理: Create order, Change order, Order ready notification

库存管理: Restock ingredient, Use ingredient, Low stock notification

一个Domain model描餐厅的problem domain,帮助定义MySQL构架

代码和相关联的UML设计图注明使用了哪些design patterns

JUnit 测试服务器端的运行情况(除了Servlet类)


用HTML canvas 2D 图像和DOM 实现餐桌管理



交付日期 2014年5月28号
特别强调的 1, 这个原型系统包括:(1)餐桌管理(2)菜单管理(3)库存管理






时间: 2024-11-03 05:42:12



南京转折点信息是太阳升软件全资子公司,一家专业从事医药软件开发的医药软件企业. 根据新版GSP支持医药企业药品质检报告电子化的要求及国家药监局的解释:供货商提供的加盖企业电子印章的电子药品检验报告与纸质药品检验报告具有同等效力.适时的推出了药品检验报告电子管理系统. 企业客服热线:025-82212453  400-004-6055  13584002996:客服QQ: 2503681010 功能特点: 新版GSP中明确提出质检报告可以电子化,客户随时随地查询质检报告,客户可选择打印. 发货人员


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A.就要毕业了,怎么才可以顺利的通过答辩,选题很重要,简单肯定就比较容易过答辩.我们可以选择基于java,基于web,基于ssh,基于ssm,基于j2ee的管理系统的设计与实现之类的题目. B.我们可以根据你的题目来设计,也可以我们来给你推荐题目. C.确认了题目以及需求后,我们就可以开始为你设计了. D.如果你还是不清楚或者根本就没有时间做,那就建议早点做打算.我现在用工作外的时间也可以帮助需要做,毕业的设计的同学.希望我能帮助大家顺利过关. 我们扣.扣.浩.码(

计算机专业 毕业设计 全套成品 ASP目录

因题目过多,没有一一公布,有需要可联系QQ:86943782 asp001校园新闻发布系统accessasp002在线音乐网站accessasp003电脑报价系统accessasp004在线人才网站accessasp005企业薪酬工资管理系统accessasp006小区物业管理系统accessasp007婚庆网站系统accessasp008网上购物系统accessasp009酒店预定管理系统accessasp010教师档案信息管理系统accessasp011班级学生管理系统accessasp01


            餐厅到店点餐系统需求分析 (版本v1.0.0)               成文信息 主题词: 需求分析 作  者: 14商软ETC 文档类别: 审  核: 批  准: 文档性质: 正式稿 主  送: 存档日期: 抄  送: 发布日期: 签收信息 发送方 接收方: 接收方: 接收方: 代表人: 代表人: 代表人: 代表人: 日期: 日期: 日期: 日期: 变更信息 版本 原因 作者 日期                   目录 第一章 引言.... 1 1.1 项目名称

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表情一:惊叹——流程管理竟有如此的渗透力 20世纪末,“流程管理”原本只是作为一种与其他管理理论(工具或者方法)相并列的理论被提出.当它进入企业应用实践之后,其地位与作用发生了根本性的变化. “一切业务运作无非都是流程运作”,华为总裁任正非一语点出了流程管理的真谛.企业表面上只是基于企业部门而进行管理,但企业管理管道细处管的无非就 是“流程”,没有脱离流程运作的业务,也没有不在流程链条上的部门.流程是指上是将不同维度.不同种类的管理体系整合在一起的基础和根本.例如,组织岗 位.企业制度.绩效指标


随着政府信息化的逐步深入,基层(包括县乡以及政府各部门)的电子政务平台建设开始演绎主角.电子政务平台正从“面”渗透到“点”,数据中心平台正从中大型应用转向基层中小型应用,电子政务云平台的发展推动了政务信息的互联互通.信息共享.业务协同,强化了信息资源的整合,规范了采集和发布,加强了社会综合开发利用. 建设电子政务公共平台是电子政务发展到深化应用.突出实效阶段的重要举措,未来一段时间内,应以省级平台为主建设统一的电子政务公共平台,带动市(区.县)的电子政务公共平台建设,让政府部门在体验“云”的便捷


超易电子档案管理系统,可以用于不同行业,不同档案类型的管理,由于超易系列软件所独有的自定义功能,让这款软件更加能符合不同行业的需要.像电子档案系统里所有的项目都是可以自己来修改设计的,如:人事档案呀合同档案呀等等. 电子档案管理系统有关的一些属性管理就更加的灵活,系统预留10多项属性字段,每个属性都是可以存放不同文件的类型的资料.像word.excel.ftp.扫描件.mp3.mp4等,可以说是所有的文件类型. 在电子档案管理系统记录档案的具体信息那里可能大家都可以用的很好,自定义功能稍微学一下