Xcode6 新特性

苹果在WWDC 2014上对新版Xcode(Xcode 6 Beta版)并没有提及过多,但它却是开发者不能忽视的一部分。Xcode 6 Beta版为设计和创建软件引入了新方法,更加关注功能和一些改善以提高开发者对平台功能的使用和扩展能力,以帮助开发者设计新的界面,从而开发出高质量的应用。

Xcode 6 Beta版包括苹果新推出的Swift语言,有了新的交互工作区。Xcode 6 Beta版也通过实时可视化展示扩展了其基本功能。

Xcode 6 Beta版包括以下几个突出功能

Swift Language

Advanced, innovative new object-oriented programming language for iOS and OS X development

Xcode Features for Swift

1.Full support with playgrounds, a rich documentation experience, read-eval-print loop, and other advanced features.

See more details in Swift

Additional Feature Enhancements for Xcode 6 IDE


1.Testing capabilities for performance measurement.

2.Ability to test asynchronous code with enhanced XCTest.

See more details in Testing.

Sprite Kit

1.Enhanced game development with new level designer and improved debugging.

2.Support for Sprite Kit and Scene Kit to work together on iOS.

See more details in Sprite

Extensions and Frameworks

1.Ability to add extensions to any app increasing functionality.

2.Ability to create dynamic frameworks for iOS.

See more details in Extensions
and Frameworks.


Interface Builder

1.Extensive new features that support live rendering, storyboards for OS X, versatile size classes, and custom iOS fonts

See more details in Interface


New view debugger, enhanced queue debugging, and new debug gauges

See more details in Debugging.

iOS Simulator

New iOS Simulator configurations that allow saving data and settings for reuse

See more details in iOS


1.XLIFF format support for strings localization

2.Automatic base language .strings generation

3.New Interface Builder assistant preview of alternative language UI

4.Ability to run apps as they appear in other locales

See more details in Localization.


1.Profile Guided Optimization (PGO)

2.User-defined modules

See more details in Compiler.


1.Updated user interface with new template chooser and track view

2.App extension profiling support

3.Profile tests to discover regression causes

See more details in Instruments.

Home Kit Accessory Simulator

Simulator for app connection with accessories in Home Kit development

See more details in Home
Kit Accessory Simulator

Xcode Server

1.More complex integration scenarios with triggers

2.Support for performance testing integrations

3.Greater control over bot configuration and execution; bot-level statistics

See more details in Xcode

For additional details on the Xcode 6 Beta release, see the seed release notes: http://developer.apple.com/xcode/releasenotes/prerelease/ios/index.html


Xcode 6 Beta requires a Mac running OS X v10.9.3 (or later) or OS X v10.10. It includes SDKs for OS X v10.9, OS X v10.10, and iOS v8.0. To develop apps targeting prior versions of OS X or iOS, see About
SDKs and the iOS Simulator


1.Xcode 6 Beta can coexist on a Mac computer with previous versions of Xcode.

This prerelease version of Xcode is distributed as a single application bundle available from developer.apple.com to
authorized seed developers in a disk image file (DMG). To install during the beta period, open the downloaded DMG file and drag the Xcode icon to your Applications folder. Upon final release, Xcode is installed through the Mac App Store.

Developer Resources

The iOS and Mac developer programs provide access to the App Store, additional support and documentation, and provisioning resources to enable testing and deployment on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch device. For more information visit:

iOS: http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/

Mac: http://developer.apple.com/programs/mac/

For discussions about any Apple developer software, including prerelease products, visit the Apple Developer Forums at http://devforums.apple.com/.

For the latest security information, visit http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1222.

For more detailed information on a release, see the complete Xcode release notes available from the Xcode Help menu.

Xcode6 新特性,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-12-27 08:35:09

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