1. 检查是否相等
2. 检查是否相等是需考虑大小写
大小写不同的值视为不相等,例如继续写入代码:car == ‘Bmw‘,返回:False
3. 检查是否不相等
与判断是否相等类似,不过是将第一个等号用感叹号替换,即:!= 表示不等运算符。
4. 其他条件判断
5. 判断多个条件
6. 检查特定值是否在列表中
7. 布尔表达式
给变量赋值为True或False,eg: edit = True
1. 简单的if语句
# 判断是否达到投票的年龄age = 19if age >= 18: print(‘You are old enough to vote!‘)
2. if-else语句
age = 17if age >= 18: print(‘You are old enough to vote!‘)else: print(‘Sorry, you are too young to vote yet.‘)
3. if-elif-else语句
age = 12if age < 4: print(‘Your admission cost is 0 yuan.‘)elif age < 18: print(‘Your admission cost is 5 yuan.‘)else: print(‘Your admission cost is 10 yuan.‘)
if age < 4: price = 0elif age < 18: price = 5else: price = 10print(‘Your admission cost is ‘ + str(price) + ‘ yuan.‘) # 用str()将数字转换为字符型,否则会因类型不一致报错
4. 使用多个elif代码块
if age < 4: price = 0elif age < 18: price = 5elif age < 65: price = 10else: price = 5
5. else代码块可以省略
用代码 elif age >= 65: 替换 else:
6. 多个条件
require_foods = [‘pizza‘, ‘falafel‘, ‘carrot cake‘]if ‘pizza‘ in require_foods: print(‘Adding pizza‘)if ‘falafel‘ in require_foods: print(‘Adding falafel‘)elif ‘carrot cake‘ in require_foods: print(‘Adding carrot cake‘)print(‘This is you need.‘)运行结果:Adding pizzaAdding falafelThis is you need.
1. 检查特殊元素
for require_food in require_foods: if require_food == ‘carrot cake‘: # 判断需求是否存在 print(‘Sorry, we are out of carrot cake now.‘) # 打印供给不足 else: print(‘Adding ‘ + require_food)判断需求是否存在,存在则添加,不存在则抱歉。
2. 确定列表是否为空
require_foods = []if require_foods: for require_food in require_foods: print(‘Adding ‘ + require_food)else: print(‘Are you sure nothing you want?‘)运行结果:Are you sure nothing you want?没有需求时确认一下。
3. 使用多个列表
menu_lists = [‘pizza‘, ‘falafel‘, ‘carrot cake‘, ‘cannoli‘, ‘ice cream‘]want_eats = [‘falafel‘, ‘carrot cake‘, ‘ice cream‘]for want_eat in want_eats: if want_eat in menu_lists: print(‘Adding ‘ + want_eat) else: print(‘Sorry, we does not have ‘ + want_eat + ‘.‘)点餐时添加菜单中有的,对于没有的表示抱歉。
时间: 2024-10-17 07:30:04