通过 spark.files 传入spark任务依赖的文件源码分析



在创建spark任务时候,往往会指定一些依赖文件,通常我们可以在spark-submit脚本使用--files /path/to/file指定来实现。


根据spark-submit的参数传递源码分析得知,spark-submit --files其实是由参数"spark.files"接收,所以在代码中可以通过sparkConf设置该参数。


SparkConf conf = new SparkConf();
//如果文件是放在hdfs上,可以通过conf.set("spark.files","hdfs:/path/to/file")指定,注意这里只需要加上个hdfs的schema即可,不需要ip port


spark.files  Comma-separated list of files to be placed in the working directory of each executor. Globs are allowed.


def jars: Seq[String] = _jars
def files: Seq[String] = _files

_jars = Utils.getUserJars(_conf)
_files = _conf.getOption("spark.files").map(_.split(",")).map(_.filter(_.nonEmpty))


// Add each JAR given through the constructor
if (jars != null) {

if (files != null) {


* Add a file to be downloaded with this Spark job on every node.
* If a file is added during execution, it will not be available until the next TaskSet starts.
* @param path can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported
* filesystems), or an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP URI. To access the file in Spark jobs,
* use `SparkFiles.get(fileName)` to find its download location.
* @param recursive if true, a directory can be given in `path`. Currently directories are
* only supported for Hadoop-supported filesystems.
*    1. 文件会下载到每一个节点
*    2. 如果在运行中增加文件,那么只有到下一批taskset开始执行时有效
*    3. 文件的位置可以是本地文件,HDFS文件或者其他hadoop支持的文件系统上,HTTP,HTTPS或者FTP URI也可以。在spark jobs中可以通过
*        SparkFiles.get(fileName)访问此文件
*    4. 如果要递归获取文件,那么可以给定一个目录,但是这种方式只对Hadoop-supported filesystems有效。
def addFile(path: String, recursive: Boolean): Unit = {
val uri = new Path(path).toUri
val schemeCorrectedPath = uri.getScheme match {
    //在命令行指定--files 时候,--files /home/kong/log4j.properties等同于--files local:/home/kong/log4j.properties
  case null | "local" => new File(path).getCanonicalFile.toURI.toString
  case _ => path

val hadoopPath = new Path(schemeCorrectedPath)
val scheme = new URI(schemeCorrectedPath).getScheme
if (!Array("http", "https", "ftp").contains(scheme)) {
  val fs = hadoopPath.getFileSystem(hadoopConfiguration)
  val isDir = fs.getFileStatus(hadoopPath).isDirectory
  if (!isLocal && scheme == "file" && isDir) {
    throw new SparkException(s"addFile does not support local directories when not running " +
      "local mode.")
  if (!recursive && isDir) {
    throw new SparkException(s"Added file $hadoopPath is a directory and recursive is not " +
      "turned on.")
} else {
  // SPARK-17650: Make sure this is a valid URL before adding it to the list of dependencies

val key = if (!isLocal && scheme == "file") {
  env.rpcEnv.fileServer.addFile(new File(uri.getPath))
} else {
val timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis
if (addedFiles.putIfAbsent(key, timestamp).isEmpty) {
  logInfo(s"Added file $path at $key with timestamp $timestamp")
  // Fetch the file locally so that closures which are run on the driver can still use the
  // SparkFiles API to access files.
  Utils.fetchFile(uri.toString, new File(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory()), conf,
    env.securityManager, hadoopConfiguration, timestamp, useCache = false)


  /** Post the environment update event once the task scheduler is ready */
  private def postEnvironmentUpdate() {
    if (taskScheduler != null) {
      val schedulingMode = getSchedulingMode.toString
      val addedJarPaths = addedJars.keys.toSeq
      val addedFilePaths = addedFiles.keys.toSeq
        // 通过调用SparkEnv的方法environmentDetails将环境的JVM参数、Spark 属性、系统属性、classPath等信息设置为环境明细信息。
      val environmentDetails = SparkEnv.environmentDetails(conf, schedulingMode, addedJarPaths,
        // 生成SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate事件,并投递到事件总线
      val environmentUpdate = SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate(environmentDetails)


   * Return a map representation of jvm information, Spark properties, system properties, and
   * class paths. Map keys define the category, and map values represent the corresponding
   * attributes as a sequence of KV pairs. This is used mainly for SparkListenerEnvironmentUpdate.
  def environmentDetails(
      conf: SparkConf,
      schedulingMode: String,
      addedJars: Seq[String],
      addedFiles: Seq[String]): Map[String, Seq[(String, String)]] = {

    import Properties._
    val jvmInformation = Seq(
      ("Java Version", s"$javaVersion ($javaVendor)"),
      ("Java Home", javaHome),
      ("Scala Version", versionString)

    // Spark properties
    // This includes the scheduling mode whether or not it is configured (used by SparkUI)
    val schedulerMode =
      if (!conf.contains("spark.scheduler.mode")) {
        Seq(("spark.scheduler.mode", schedulingMode))
      } else {
        Seq.empty[(String, String)]
    val sparkProperties = (conf.getAll ++ schedulerMode).sorted

    // System properties that are not java classpaths
    val systemProperties = Utils.getSystemProperties.toSeq
    val otherProperties = systemProperties.filter { case (k, _) =>
      k != "java.class.path" && !k.startsWith("spark.")

    // Class paths including all added jars and files
    val classPathEntries = javaClassPath
      .map((_, "System Classpath"))
    val addedJarsAndFiles = (addedJars ++ addedFiles).map((_, "Added By User"))
    val classPaths = (addedJarsAndFiles ++ classPathEntries).sorted

    Map[String, Seq[(String, String)]](
      "JVM Information" -> jvmInformation,
      "Spark Properties" -> sparkProperties,
      "System Properties" -> otherProperties,
      "Classpath Entries" -> classPaths)


时间: 2024-08-06 05:31:05

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