
The mysql-client package allows you to connect to a MySQL server. It will give you the "mysql" command-line program.

The mysql-server package allows you to run a MySQL server which can host multiple databases and process queries on those databases. It will give you the MySQL daemon, a.k.a. mysqld.

The "MySQL" package probably includes both of the above.

If you just need to connect to a remote server and run queries, install just mysql-client. If you need to host a database, install the client and server.

The mysql server package will install the mysql database server which you can interact with using a mysql client. You can use the mysql client to send commands to any mysql server; on a remote computer or your own.

The mysql server is used to persist the data and provide a query interface for it (SQL). The mysql clients purpose is to allow you to use that query interface.

The client package also comes with utilities that allows you to easily backup/restore data and administer the server.

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时间: 2025-01-09 03:40:18


Linux下MySQL server和client安装

一.安装方法 安装MySQL主要有两种方法:一种是通过源代码进行编译安装,适合高级用户自己定制MySQL的特性:另一种比较简单的是使用已经编译过的二进制文件进行安装.二进制文件安装又分为不针对特定平台的通用安装方法,即.tar.gz压缩文件:另一种是使用RPM或其他包进行安装,这种方式会自动完成系统的相关配置.本次记录使用.tar.gz文件安装过程. 二.下载文件 mysql-5.5.45-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz(附件中有)

解决Navicat 出错:1130-host . is not allowed to connect to this MySql server,MySQL

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MySql Server(Debian Linux)远程访问设置

1. 登录Mysql Server: $mysql -u root -p 2. 检查网络,Server是否允许远程连接: mysql> show variables like '%skip_networking%'; 此值应该为‘OFF’,一般默认值即为'OFF', 表示允许TCP/IP连接 skip_networking: 只允许通过一个套接字文件(Unix/Linux系统)或通过命名管道(Windows系统)进行本地连接,不允许ICP/IP连接; 这提高了安全性,但阻断了来自网络的外部连接和


1. 在ubuntu下安装server和client很简单: (1)安装server apt-get install mysql-server 安装当中,会提示输入root账户的密码,按提示输入即可. 安装后默认开启了server (2) 安装client apt-get install mysql-client 2. 安装mysql的c语言开发接口 apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev 3. 开启.关闭.重启 一.启动 1.使用 service 启动:ser

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一.定义 sql server 应该指的是sqlserver数据库,包含数据库管理系统等. navicat for sql server只是一个sqlserver的第三方的开发工具,管理工具. 二.开发工具包搭配不同 1.SQLserver:SQLserver能与 Microsoft Visual Studio.Microsoft Office System以及开发工具包搭配. 2.Mysql:Mysql不能与 Microsoft Visual Studio.Microsoft Office S

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序,mysql数据库是开源的,被大多数企业所使用 目录 一.apt-get install 软件安装原理剖析二.安装mysql server三.配置和管理msyql 一.apt-get install 软件安装原理剖析 /etc/apt/sources.list 这个文件很重要,里面放了一些软件资源的库地址,我们每次利用apt-get install命令安装软件时,都是在读取这个文件. Ubuntu 软件仓库被分为四个部分:main(主要的), restricted(受限的), universe

mysql链接错误:2003 can't connect to mysql server on 10038

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Chapter 5 MySQL Server Administration_1

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