About GLUT . . .
GLUT (pronounced like the glut in gluttony) is the OpenGL Utility Toolkit, a window system independent toolkit for writing OpenGL programs. It implements a simple windowing application programming interface (API) for OpenGL. GLUT makes it considerably easier to learn about and explore OpenGL programming. GLUT provides a portable API so you can write a single OpenGL program that works on both Win32 PCs and X11 workstations.
GLUT is designed for constructing small to medium sized OpenGL programs. While GLUT is well-suited to learning OpenGL and developing simple OpenGL applications, GLUT is not a full-featured toolkit so large applications requiring sophisticated user interfaces are better off using native window system toolkits like Motif. GLUT is simple, easy, and small. My intent is to keep GLUT that way.
The GLUT library supports the following functionality:
Multiple windows for OpenGL rendering.
Callback driven event processing.
An `idle‘ routine and timers.
Utility routines to generate various solid and wire frame objects.
Support for bitmap and stroke fonts.
Miscellaneous window management functions.
The GLUT library has both C, C++ (same as C), FORTRAN, and Ada programming bindings. The GLUT source code distribution is portable to nearly all OpenGL implementations for the X Window System and Windows 95 and NT. GLUT also works well with Brian Paul‘s Mesa, a freely available implementation of the OpenGL API.
Because GLUT is window system independent (as much as possible), GLUT can be implemented for window systems other than X. Implementations of GLUT for OS/2, NT & Windows 95, and the Mac have ben implemented, but only the Win32 and X11 versions are part of the official GLUT source code distrbution.
The current version of the GLUT API is 3. The current source code distribution is GLUT 3.7.
FreeGLUT is a free-software/open-source alternative to the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) library. GLUT was originally written by Mark Kilgard to support the sample programs in the second edition OpenGL ‘RedBook‘. Since then, GLUT has been used in a wide variety of practical applications because it is simple, widely available and highly portable.

GLUT (and hence FreeGLUT) takes care of all the system-specific chores required for creating windows, initializing OpenGL contexts, and handling input events, to allow for trully portable OpenGL programs.

FreeGLUT is released under the X-Consortium license.

The original GLUT library seems to have been abandoned with the most recent version (3.7) dating back to August 1998. Its license does not allow anyone to distribute modified library code. This is really unfortunate, since GLUT is getting old and really needs improvement. Also, GLUT‘s license is incompatible with some software distributions (e.g., XFree86).

The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library (GLEW) is a cross-platform open-source C/C++ extension loading library. GLEW provides efficient run-time mechanisms for determining which OpenGL extensions are supported on the target platform. OpenGL core and extension functionality is exposed in a single header file. GLEW has been tested on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Irix, and Solaris.


时间: 2024-12-14 18:43:29


OpenGL编程 基础篇(五)世界窗口和视口

一.基本定义 世界窗口:在世界坐标系中定义一个对齐的矩形(aligned rectangle,即矩阵的边与坐标轴平行)的窗口,这个世界窗口外的部分被裁减并不被绘制.OpenGL会自动地做剪裁. 视口:在显示器的屏幕窗口上定义一个对齐的矩形的视口,OpenGL会自动建立世界窗口和视口的变换(包括缩放和平移).当世界窗口中所有对象都被绘制时,对象在世界窗 口中的部分会被自动地映射到视口中----换句话说,被映射到屏幕坐标中,即像素在显示器上的坐标. 二.相关函数介绍 1.对于二维绘图来说,世界窗口由


本次课程所要讲的是绘制简单的几何图形,在实际绘制之前,让我们先熟悉一些概念. 一.点.直线和多边形 我们知道数学(具体的说,是几何学)中有点.直线和多边形的概念,但这些概念在计算机中会有所不同. 数学上的点,只有位置,没有大小.但在计算机中,无论计算精度如何提高,始终不能表示一个无穷小的点.另一方面,无论图形输出设备(例如,显示器)如何精确,始终不能输出一个无穷小的点.一般情况下,OpenGL中的点将被画成单个的像素(像素的概念,请自己搜索之~),虽然它可能足够小,但并不会是无穷小.同一像素上,

android opengl es 源码

[转自:] The entire OpenGL ES API on Android is implemented in three libraries, located under /system/lib (for more information about OpenGL ES visit the official Khronos page): * implemen

【OpenGL】第二篇 Hello OpenGL

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 就像学习其他编程语言一样,为了顺利写下第一个OpenGL程序 我们必须不辞辛苦的先铺好砖块,搭建好环境…… 所以接下来让我先把所需要的库的环境安置好,再开始coding. ------------------------------------


遇到一个大问题,明明加载纹理绑定的是GL_TEXTURE_2D glUniform1i(locCloudTex, 1); //明明默认为0,参数却不是0. 可是原书中代码确是 glGenTextures(1, &uiTexture); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_1D, uiTexture); // LoadTGATexture("Clouds.tga", GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glUniform

OpenGL - obj文件的导入 Obj文件简介 OBJ文件是Alias|Wavefront公司为它的一套基于工作站的3D建模和动画软件"Advanced Visualizer"开发的一种标准3D模型文件格式,很适合用于3D软件模型之间的互导,也可以通过Maya读写.比如你在3dsMax或LightWave中建了一个模型,想把它调到Maya里面渲染或动画,导出OBJ文件就是一种很好的选择.目前几乎所有知名的3


在这个教程里,我们一起来玩第一个OpenGL程序.它将显示一个空的OpenGL窗口,可以在窗口和全屏模式下切换,按ESC退出.它是我们以后应用程序的框架. 在CodeBlock里创建一个新的GLUT Win32程序(不是console控制台程序)后,我们还需要链接OpenGL库文件. 代码的前4行包括了我们使用的每个库文件的头文件.如下所示: #include <windows.h>// Windows的头文件 #include <glew.h>       // 包含最新的gl.

Android OpenGL ES

1.Android OpenGL ES 简明开发教程3D 坐标变换:


1. Win32控制台方式 建立Win32 控制台程序,在头文件中加入 #include <windows.h>  #include <wingdi.h>  #include <GL/gl.h>  #include <GL/glu.h >   #include <GL/glaux.h> 2. MFC方式 (1)采用VC AppWizard向导创建空的MFC(EXE)工程框架,整个过程总共6步,值得指出的是一般情况下在向导的第1步选择创建工程的模式

OpenGL ES编程入门资源集合

OpenGL ES 2.0中文手册: 里边讲解了部分API的功能,作为基本的参考. OpenGL ES2.0 渲染管线: OpenGL ES2.0 绘制三角形: 一个OpenGL ES2.0的例子:http://blog.c