August 7th 2016, Week 33rd Sunday

Knowing yourself is the height of wisdom.


Two-day holiday, even I didn‘t have enought time to know about her, I could feel I am not the type she loves.

I ever thought I might be not so bad a man.

Maybe I was wrong.

So, I choose to give up.

A second time I told myself to give up.

I am not trying my best because it is the Olympics.

I try my best always.


I am not a loser for this time, I am always a loser.

Why don‘t I give up?

Just because I still live as a person with high aspirations.

But dreams are just dreams, they will fade and all hopes will fail.

Is that my destiny?

Maybe, but now that I am still alive, I will continue to try to bring some changes.

时间: 2024-08-05 23:35:25

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