An entry point cannot be marked with the 'async' modifier

I copied below code from this link.But when I am compiling this code I am getting an entry point cannot be marked with the ‘async‘ modifier. How can I make this code compilable?

class Program
    static async void Main(string[] args)
        Task<string> getWebPageTask = GetWebPageAsync("");

        Debug.WriteLine("In startButton_Click before await");
        string webText = await getWebPageTask;
        Debug.WriteLine("Characters received: " + webText.Length.ToString());

    private static async Task<string> GetWebPageAsync(string url)
        // Start an async task.
        Task<string> getStringTask = (new HttpClient()).GetStringAsync(url);

        // Await the task. This is what happens:
        // 1. Execution immediately returns to the calling method, returning a
        //    different task from the task created in the previous statement.
        //    Execution in this method is suspended.
        // 2. When the task created in the previous statement completes, the
        //    result from the GetStringAsync method is produced by the Await
        //    statement, and execution continues within this method.
        Debug.WriteLine("In GetWebPageAsync before await");
        string webText = await getStringTask;
        Debug.WriteLine("In GetWebPageAsync after await");

        return webText;

    // Output:
    //   In GetWebPageAsync before await
    //   In startButton_Click before await
    //   In GetWebPageAsync after await
    //   Characters received: 44306

The error message is exactly right: the Main() method cannot be async, because when Main()returns, the application usually ends.

If you want to make a console application that uses async, a simple solution is to create an asyncversion of Main() and synchronously Wait() on that from the real Main():

static void Main()

static async Task MainAsync()
    // your async code here

This is one of the rare cases where mixing await and Wait() is a good idea, you shouldn‘t usually do that.



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I copied below code from this link.But when I am compiling this code I am getting an entry point cannot be marked with the ‘async‘ modifier. How can I make this code compilable?

classProgram{static async voidMain(string[] args){Task<string> getWebPageTask =GetWebPageAsync("");Debug.WriteLine("In startButton_Click before await");string webText = await getWebPageTask;Debug.WriteLine("Characters received: "+ webText.Length.ToString());}privatestatic async Task<string>GetWebPageAsync(string url){// Start an async task. Task<string> getStringTask =(newHttpClient()).GetStringAsync(url);// Await the task. This is what happens: // 1. Execution immediately returns to the calling method, returning a //    different task from the task created in the previous statement. //    Execution in this method is suspended. // 2. When the task created in the previous statement completes, the //    result from the GetStringAsync method is produced by the Await //    statement, and execution continues within this method. Debug.WriteLine("In GetWebPageAsync before await");string webText = await getStringTask;Debug.WriteLine("In GetWebPageAsync after await");return webText;}// Output: //   In GetWebPageAsync before await //   In startButton_Click before await //   In GetWebPageAsync after await //   Characters received: 44306}

c# async-await c#-5.0

An entry point cannot be marked with the 'async' modifier

时间: 2024-12-29 03:02:28

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The async and await keywords are just a compiler feature. The compiler creates code by using the Task class. Instead of using the new keywords, you could get the same functionality with C# 4 and methods of the Task class; it's just not as convenient.

c# async

• Methods (as well as lambda expressions or anonymous methods) can be marked with the async keyword to enable the method to do work in a nonblocking manner.• Methods (as well as lambda expressions or anonymous methods) marked with the async keyword w