Examples of Past Summer Projects of MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Examples of Past Summer Projects

  1. Create a hypervideo system by incorporating a steerable mirror with a hyperspectral sensor to enable real-time data acquisition and detection capability at the level of 0.5 to 1 Hz

    1. 将一个旋转反射镜和超光谱传感器结合起来,构成实时数据监测系统(指标0.5-1 HZ)
  2. Design components to meet the basic aeronautical, structural, and payload requirements for a rapid-prototyped small unmanned aerial vehicle; optimize the design to use fluid deposition modeling technology for part fabrication
  3. Investigate methods for high-impedance probing of avalanche photodiodes (APDs) and help set up a new probe station for electrical characterization of APDs and charge-coupled devices
  4. Develop a titanium nitride atomic layer deposition process in the Microelectronics Laboratory to deposit titanium nitride thin films with appropriate electrical properties
  5. Identify interesting cyber security technologies, evaluate them, and experiment with getting two of them to work together
  6. Design a mission planning software suite for future protected tactical satellite communications
  7. Integrate and test a web-based chat tool into the Laboratory‘s airborne communications testbed; then, modify code and add functionality to the system
  8. Help with hardware development, field testing, and system development for an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle
    1. 帮无人机系统进行测试改进
  9. Develop displays and software infrastructure for an unmanned aerial system ground control system/network, including developing a graphical-user-interface and interfaces to software, hardware, networks, and an open-source data-management system
    1. 给无人机系统做一套GUI等等
  10. Design and implement a framework for evaluating the performance of information retrieval algorithms when applied to disaster-related social-media filtering tasks
  11. Perform mechanical design of Luminaire assembly of various imagers, radios, lights, and electronics for a border surveillance prototype
  12. Model and analyze the geolocation performance of the Microsized Microwave Atmospheric Satellite (MicroMAS)
  13. Research and implement two-dimensional mapping algorithms for sparse matrices
  14. Develop a novel system for topical and lexical analysis of speech corpora for situations in which no prior linguistic knowledge or annotation is provided to the system
  15. Design and code the software architecture for Monte Carlo simulations of ballistic missile defense scenarios
时间: 2024-11-09 00:12:10

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