ArcGIS API For Javascript新版本3.11中的新特性

ArcGIS API For Javascript新版本3.11中的新特性:


To update your code for version 3.11 references, replace the following URLs accordingly: /3.10/js/dojo/ should now read /3.11/ (note the dropped "/js/dojo")

将你的源码更新到3.11版本,你需要正确的替换掉下面的URL路径:/3.10/js/dojo/ 现在应该是 /3.11/ (注意删除了 "/js/dojo"),而 /3.10/js/esri/ 现在应该写做 /3.11/esri/ (注意删除了 "/js") 。


<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">


  • 更新过的新的SDK主页.
  • 安全沙箱支持更多的示例程序.
  • 学习指南现在放在了“Guide”菜单项下面
  • 文档里面包含了更多的链接支持更好的导航


当使用opacityInfo 和Renderers时,开发者在将信息显示到他们地图上时,有了额外的提高他们数据可视化技术的方式

  field: "M086_07",
  stops: [
    { value: 10, opacity: 0   },  // -1 stddev,
    { value: 39, opacity: 0.5 },  // average
value, 50% transparent
    { value: 68, opacity: 1   }   // +1 stddev,
    completely opaque

请查看数据可视化技术的系列博客和下面列出的 Renderers 章节的API帮助文档了解更多的信息:


FeatureLayer在本次的发布版本中有了一个新的渲染类HeatmapRenderer。HeatmapRenderer 类通过使用一个在数据可视化中用来描述数据集中集中区域的标准的 Gaussian blur 算法创建一个表面。HeatmapRenderer只能工作在现在的浏览器中(IE9及IE9以下的版本除外)。




At this release a
new property editable in options
on method createMap was
introduced. When supporting non-editing workflows, this will override layers
that would have otherwise been editable and allow the FeatureLayers in a web map
to load using generalized geometry instead of loading detailed geometries for
editing purposes.

consuming web maps will be able to leverage performance enhancements at this
release due to internal optimizations which intelligently load modules based
upon a web map configuration when using the module esri/arcgis/utils, and the createMap method
when hydrating web maps.

Faster application loading


Many performance
enhancements were introduced into the standard and compact builds at this
release. These changes will allow users of the compact and standard build to
leverage the most frequently used modules resulting in overall performance when
loading the compact and standard versions of the JavaScript API.

For best
performance with web map, please re-save any existing web maps. To do this,
simply open the web map in the Viewer, then click "Save". This will
update them to the latest version which will benefit the loading of your

Web Optimizer changes and


  • More optimizations to minimize download size when
    "Only include built layer files and resources" is checked.
  • New advanced option to select locales for custom builds.
  • Users now receive links to builds in email notifications.
  • Additional help topics of Using a custom build and Accessing the build report.

Measurement widget enhancements


New developer
events and methods to support interacting with geometries during the life cycle
of the Measurement widget,
accessing the current tool, and current units. Fixed issues for developers when
using the Measurement widget in
applications and services containing coordinate systems other than WGS84 and
Web Mercator.

Driving direction enhancements


The directions
print window includes an overview map of the route as long as you either use
the ArcGIS Online Route service or specify a printTaskUrl.

Labelling improvements


The Map class has a new constructor
option showLabels to
indicate whether to automatically display labels. If true, any feature layer
added to the map will automatically be labelled based on the feature layer‘s
labelingInfo and the layer‘s own showLabels status.

The LabelLayer has been
improved with to work with domain values, better support for field names containing
non-ASCII characters, better label placements, support label placements using
"always-horizontal" style, and to work better with time-aware data.

Developer enhancements for dealing
with projecting features

New methods for
developers to easily (a) check if client-side projection is possible (canProject)
and (b) project geometries
(without using geometry service).

var pt = Point(0, 0), // a geographic point.
if (webMercatorUtils.canProject(pt, map)) {
    // Returns true
if the ‘source‘ can be projected to ‘target‘ by the project() function, or if
source and target is the same spatialReference.
    result = webMercatorUtils.project(pt, map);
    // cannot
project client-side, use GeometryService

Enhancements to InfoTemplate custom functions

Developers now
have the ability to use custom format functions within InfoTemplate to use
options like the built-in format functions. This can be useful when you are
reusing a formatting function with different options.

CustomFormat = function (value, key, data, options){
  if(options.currency === "CAD"){
    return dojoCurrency.format(value * 1.1260, options);
  else if(options.currency === "EUR"){
    return dojoCurrency.format(value * 1.25140, options);
    return dojoCurrency.format(value, options);

infoTemplate.setTitle("${NAME}, ${STATE_NAME}");
infoTemplate.setContent("<b>Total (EUR):
</b>${AVG_SALE97:CustomFormat( currency: ‘EUR‘, places:
‘2‘)}<br/>" +
(CAD): </b>${AVG_SALE97:CustomFormat( currency: ‘CAD‘, places:
‘2‘)}<br/> " +
(USD): </b>${AVG_SALE97:CustomFormat( currency: ‘USD‘, places:



  • NIM100031: Users now have a consistent user experience
    for Popups containing multiple features read-only and edit.
  • BUG-000080930: Popup next/previous buttons should switch
    for Right-To-Left.
  • NIM100127: Fixed issue where inline style for font size
    was applied using Internet Explorer.
  • NIM103917: The InfoTemplate zoomTofunction now
    works with a single point in a multipoint feature class.
  • NIM103178: Fixed an issue where printing
    ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayers with layer definitions on sub layers printed all
    of these layers were printed regardless of whether their visibility was set to
  • NIM101737: The Draw toolbar extent geometry now displays
    in exported web map.
  • NIM103247: Fixed issue where the zoom rectangle would not
    display properly when using Internet Explorer.
  • NIM103715: Fixed an issue where Esri demographic layers
    show a long running script message when opening a popup using IE8.
  • NIM102529: Esri logo in samples now opens the respective
    URL in Internet Explorer.
  • NIM095050: Scale visibility of KML layer is now honored.
  • NIM104028: Fixed an issue where a labeled feature
    displayed the coded domain value and not the description.
  • NIM104292: Fixed an issue where the the measurement
    widget measure-end event fired before the polygon finished.
  • NIM103917: InfoTemplate zoomTo now supports single points
    when using a multi-point featureclass datasource.
  • NIM103868: KML layer placemarks with hotspots now display
    in the correct location.
  • NIM103312: Can now print a map containing a graphic
    having attributes and a Text Symbol as its symbol.
  • NIM100031: Now able to work with overlapping records when
    editing a feature service.
  • NIM104099: PrintTask now prints a map containing a WMTS
    layer without a specified resourceInfo parameter.
  • NIM103199: Added the ability to ignore missing legend
    styles for WMS layers in the Legend widget.
  • GeoNet-106484: UndoManager now supports On Style events.
    See also GeoNet
  • GeoNet-423902: Class name was added for the messages div
    in the Legend widget to make it easier to apply css. See also GeoNet discussion.
  • Directions widget: Get Directions button didn‘t work on
    some native Android browsers.


Be certain to
check out any updates to the repository on GitHub with TypeScript definitions
for the JS API as well as the jshint options file used by the JS API team.


3.11版本的ArcGIS API For Javascript使用了1.10.0版本的Dojo,0.3.15版本的dgrid,0.3.5版本的put-selector和0.1.3版本的xstyle

时间: 2024-12-23 23:29:56

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