【bzoj4154】[Ipsc2015]Generating Synergy KD-tree













4 3 7
1 2 2
3 0 0
2 1 3
3 0 0
1 0 2
2 0 0
4 1 1
4 0 0






时间复杂度$O(n\sqrt n)$

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#define N 100010
using namespace std;
int head[N] , to[N] , next[N] , cnt , deep[N] , pos[N] , last[N] , tot , d , root;
struct data
	int p[2] , mx[2] , mn[2] , c[2] , w , tag;
	bool operator<(const data &a)const {return p[d] == a.p[d] ? p[d ^ 1] < a.p[d ^ 1] : p[d] < a.p[d];}
inline void add(int x , int y)
	to[++cnt] = y , next[cnt] = head[x] , head[x] = cnt;
void dfs(int x)
	int i;
	pos[x] = ++tot , a[x].p[0] = pos[x] , a[x].p[1] = deep[x];
	for(i = head[x] ; i ; i = next[i])
		deep[to[i]] = deep[x] + 1 , dfs(to[i]);
	last[x] = tot;
inline void pushup(int x)
	int l = a[x].c[0] , r = a[x].c[1];
	a[x].mx[0] = max(a[x].p[0] , max(a[l].mx[0] , a[r].mx[0]));
	a[x].mx[1] = max(a[x].p[1] , max(a[l].mx[1] , a[r].mx[1]));
	a[x].mn[0] = min(a[x].p[0] , min(a[l].mn[0] , a[r].mn[0]));
	a[x].mn[1] = min(a[x].p[1] , min(a[l].mn[1] , a[r].mn[1]));
int build(int l , int r , int now)
	if(l > r) return 0;
	int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
	d = now , nth_element(a + l , a + mid , a + r + 1);
	a[mid].w = 1 , a[mid].tag = 0;
	a[mid].c[0] = build(l , mid - 1 , now ^ 1);
	a[mid].c[1] = build(mid + 1 , r , now ^ 1);
	return mid;
inline void pushdown(int x)
		int l = a[x].c[0] , r = a[x].c[1];
		a[l].w = a[l].tag = a[r].w = a[r].tag = a[x].tag;
		a[x].tag = 0;
void update(int bx , int ex , int by , int ey , int v , int x)
	if(!x || a[x].mx[0] < bx || a[x].mn[0] > ex || a[x].mx[1] < by || a[x].mn[1] > ey) return;
	if(a[x].mn[0] >= bx && a[x].mx[0] <= ex && a[x].mn[1] >= by && a[x].mx[1] <= ey)
		a[x].w = a[x].tag = v;
	if(a[x].p[0] >= bx && a[x].p[0] <= ex && a[x].p[1] >= by && a[x].p[1] <= ey) a[x].w = v;
	update(bx , ex , by , ey , v , a[x].c[0]) , update(bx , ex , by , ey , v , a[x].c[1]);
int query(int px , int py , int x)
	d ^= 1;
	if(a[x].p[0] == px && a[x].p[1] == py) return a[x].w;
		if(py < a[x].p[1] || (py == a[x].p[1] && px < a[x].p[0])) return query(px , py , a[x].c[0]);
		else return query(px , py , a[x].c[1]);
		if(px < a[x].p[0] || (px == a[x].p[0] && py < a[x].p[1])) return query(px , py , a[x].c[0]);
		else return query(px , py , a[x].c[1]);
int main()
	int T;
	scanf("%d" , &T);
	while(T -- )
		memset(head , 0 , sizeof(head)) , cnt = 1;
		a[0].mx[0] = a[0].mx[1] = -1 << 30 , a[0].mn[0] = a[0].mn[1] = 1 << 30;
		int n , m , i , x , y , z , ans = 0;
		scanf("%d%*d%d" , &n , &m);
		for(i = 2 ; i <= n ; i ++ ) scanf("%d" , &x) , add(x , i);
		root = build(1 , n , 0);
		for(i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++ )
			scanf("%d%d%d" , &x , &y , &z);
			if(z) update(pos[x] , last[x] , deep[x] , deep[x] + y , z , root);
			else d = 1 , ans = (ans + (long long)query(pos[x] , deep[x] , root) * i) % 1000000007;
		printf("%d\n" , ans);
	return 0;
时间: 2024-11-05 18:46:17

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