On the way learning spring 5

Spring-24 Adding Support for Annotation-Based Wiring

Namespace-->check ‘context‘-->In ‘context‘ Insert <context:annotation-config> element

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans.xsd
        http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.2.xsd">

    <bean id="logger" class="com.caveofprogramming.spring.test.Logger">

    <bean id="consoleWriter1" class="com.caveofprogramming.spring.test.ConsoleWriter">
    <bean id="fileWriter" class="com.caveofprogramming.spring.test.FileWriter">


Spring-25 The "Autowired" Annotation



Spring-26 Optional Beans

Question : What happened if we use @Autowired(required=false)?

Spring-27 Using qualifiers

Right click ‘consoleWriter‘--> extend ‘bean‘--->Insert <qualifier> element --->setValue ‘toConsole‘

    public void setConsoleWriter(ConsoleWriter writer) {
        this.consoleWriter = writer;



Spring-28  The Resource Annotation(JSR-250)




Spring-29 Annotation-Based Init and Destroy Methods




Spring-30 The Inject Annotation(JSR-330)

javax.inject-1.jar    (pom.xml)

public class Logger {

    private ConsoleWriter consoleWriter;
    private FileWriter fileWriter;

     * public Logger(ConsoleWriter consoleWriter, FileWriter fileWriter){
     * this.consoleWriter = consoleWriter; this.fileWriter = fileWriter;

    public void setConsoleWriter(ConsoleWriter writer) {
        this.consoleWriter = writer;


    public void setFileWriter(FileWriter fileWriter) {
        this.fileWriter = fileWriter;

    public void writeFile(String text) {

    public void writeConsole(String text) {
        if (consoleWriter != null) {

    public void init(){

    public void destroy(){


Spring-31 Automatic Bean Discovery


加上 @Component

为了不存在 ambiguity

[email protected]("fileWriter")

[email protected]


Spring-32 Setting Property Values via Annotations


时间: 2024-08-02 08:04:40

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