BEGIN SET @baseStr= "SELECT * FROM tbName WHERE 1=1 "; SET @_where=""; IF 1=1 THEN SET @_where= CONCAT(@_where," AND sourcedomain=\"\" "); END IF; IF 2=2 THEN SET @_where=CONCAT(@_where," AND userId =4444"); END IF; SET @sentence =CONCAT(@baseStr,@_where) ; -- 连接字符串生成要执行的SQL语句 prepare stmt from @sentence; -- 预编释一下。 “stmt”预编释变量的名称, execute stmt; -- 执行SQL语句 deallocate prepare stmt; -- 释放资源 END
SET @_rowCount=0; -- 变量 SET @_count =CONCAT("SELECT COUNT(*) INTO @_rowCount ",@baseStr,@_where); prepare stmt from @_count; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; SET _pageCount=@_rowCount;
时间: 2024-10-13 12:26:46