第十章 可视界面
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim ViewCen As Point3d Dim MyView As View For Each MyView In ActiveDesignFile.Views cmbViews.AddItem MyView.Index Next cmbViews.ListIndex = 0 ViewCen = ActiveDesignFile.Views(1).Center ScrX.Value = ViewCen.X scrY.Value = ViewCen.Y End Sub Sub SetZoom(ZoomValue As Long, OldZoomValue As Long) ActiveDesignFile.Views(cmbViews.Text).Zoom 1 + (ZoomValue - OldZoomValue) / 100 ActiveDesignFile.Views(cmbViews.Text).Redraw End Sub Sub SetPan(XPan As Long, YPan As Long) Dim ViewOrigin As Point3d ViewOrigin.X = XPan ViewOrigin.Y = YPan ViewOrigin.Z = 0 ActiveDesignFile.Views(cmbViews.Text).Center = ViewOrigin ActiveDesignFile.Views(cmbViews.Text).Redraw End Sub Private Sub scrZoom_Change() SetZoom ScrZoom.Value, ScrZoom.Tag ScrZoom.Tag = ScrZoom.Value End Sub Private Sub scrZoom_Scroll() SetZoom ScrZoom.Value, ScrZoom.Tag ScrZoom.Tag = ScrZoom.Value End Sub Private Sub scrX_Change() SetPan ScrX.Value, scrY.Value End Sub Private Sub scrX_Scroll() SetPan ScrX.Value, scrY.Value End Sub Private Sub scrY_Change() SetPan ScrX.Value, scrY.Value End Sub Private Sub scrY_Scroll() SetPan ScrX.Value, scrY.Value End Sub
第十一章 MicroStation对象模型——对象
第十二章 MicroStation对象模型——枚举 Enumeration
枚举成员名称经常以枚举名称或枚举名称的缩略版本开头。例如msdDesignFileFormatDWG 就是枚举名称“MsdDesignFileFormat”开头的。
第十四章 MicroStation对象模型——事件
第十五章 向文档中添加内容
Sub CreateLines() Dim LinePoints1(0 To 3) As Point3d Dim LinePoints2(0 To 3) As Point3d Dim myLine1 As LineElement Dim myLine2 As LineElement Dim I As Long For I = 0 To 3 Step 1 LinePoints1(I).X = I ^ 3 - I ^ 2: LinePoints1(I).Y = I + I ^ 2 LinePoints2(I).X = I ^ 3 - I ^ 2: LinePoints2(I).Y = -(I + I ^ 2) Next I Set myLine1 = CreateLineElement1(Nothing, LinePoints1) Set myLine2 = CreateLineElement1(Nothing, LinePoints2) ActiveModelReference.AddElement myLine1 ActiveModelReference.AddElement myLine2 End Sub
Sub CLines(ParamArray PointElems() As Variant) If (UBound(PointElems) + 1) Mod 3 <> 0 Then MsgBox "Invaid number of point elements", vbCritical Exit Sub End If If (UBound(PointElems) + 1) < 5 Then MsgBox "A minimum of 2 X,Y,Z points must be provided.", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Dim LinePoints() As Point3d ReDim LinePoints(0 To (UBound(PointElems) + 1) \ 3) As Point3d Dim I As Long Dim PointCounter As Long Dim MyLine As LineElement For I = LBound(PointElems) To UBound(PointElems) Step 3 LinePoints(PointCounter).X = PointElems(I) LinePoints(PointCounter).Y = PointElems(I + 1) LinePoints(PointCounter).Z = PointElems(I + 2) PointCounter = PointCounter + 1 Next I Set MyLine = CreateLineElement1(Nothing, LinePoints) ActiveModelReference.AddElement MyLine End Sub Sub TestCLines() CLines 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 CLines 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 0 CLines 0, 4, 0, 4, 0, 0 CLines 0, 4, 0, 4, 0 CLines 0, 4, 0 End Sub
Function CreatePolygon(CenterPoint As Point3d, NumOfSides As Long, Radius As Double) As ShapeElement Dim myShape As ShapeElement Dim ShapePoints() As Point3d ReDim ShapePoints(0 To NumOfSides - 1) As Point3d Dim PointIndex As Long Dim IncAngle As Double IncAngle = 360 / NumOfSides For PointIndex = LBound(ShapePoints) To UBound(ShapePoints) ShapePoints(PointIndex) = Point3dAddAngleDistance(CenterPoint, Radians(IncAngle * PointIndex), Radius, 0) Next Set CreatePolygon = CreateShapeElement1(Nothing, ShapePoints) End Function Sub TestCreatePolygon() Dim CPoint As Point3d Dim myShape As ShapeElement Dim I As Long Dim Length As Double Length = 1 For I = 3 To 80 Step 1 Set myShape = CreatePolygon(CPoint, I, Length) Length = Length + 1 ActiveModelReference.AddElement myShape Next I End Sub
Dim CPoint As Point3d Dim myEllipse As EllipseElement Dim rotMatrix As Matrix3d Dim inputQueue As CadInputQueue Dim intputMessage As CadInputMessage Set inputQueue = CadInputQueue Set inputMessage = inputQueue.GetInput(msdCadInputTypeDataPoint, msdCadInputTypeAny) Do Select Case inputMessage.InputTyoe Case msdCadInputTypeDatePoint CPoint = inputMessage.Point Set myEllipse = CreateEllipseElement2(Nothing, CPoint, 0.5, 0.5, rotMatrix) ActiveModelReference.AddElement myEllipse Exit Do Case msdCadInputTypeReset Exit Do End Select Loop
时间: 2025-01-13 18:34:34