我们以cocos2dx lua脚本来说明,原理才是重点
if circle.x < box.x then cx = box.x end
elseif circle.x > box.x + box.width then cx = box.x + box.width
else cx = circle.x
如果圆心x既不在矩形的左边也不在右边, 那么cx就在矩形内
if circle_pt.y < rect.y then cy = rect.y elseif circle_pt.y > rect.y + rect.height then cy = rect.y + rect.height else cy = circle_pt.y end
--[[-- 检测圆和未旋转的矩形之间的碰撞 参考:http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson19/index.php ~~~ lua local intersects = circleIntersectRect(cc.p(10, 10), 50, cc.rect(20, 20, 100, 100)) ~~~ param: circle_pt 圆心 param: radius 半径 param: rect 矩形 {x=0,y=0,width=100,height=100} @see ]] function circleIntersectRect(circle_pt, radius, rect) local cx = nil local cy = nil -- Find the point on the collision box closest to the center of the circle if circle_pt.x < rect.x then cx = rect.x elseif circle_pt.x > rect.x + rect.width then cx = rect.x + rect.width else cx = circle_pt.x end if circle_pt.y < rect.y then cy = rect.y elseif circle_pt.y > rect.y + rect.height then cy = rect.y + rect.height else cy = circle_pt.y end if cc.pGetDistance(circle_pt, cc.p(cx, cy)) < radius then return true end return false end --[[-- 检测圆之间的碰撞 ~~~ lua local intersects = circleIntersects(cc.p(10, 10), 10, cc.p(20,20), 20) ~~~ @param: circle_pt_a 圆A中心 @param: radius_a 圆A半径 @param: circle_pt_b 圆B中心 @param: radius_b 圆B半径 @return 是否碰撞 @see ]] function circleIntersects(circle_pt_a, radius_a, circle_pt_b, radius_b) -- If the distance between the centers of the circles is less than the sum of their radius if cc.pGetDistance(circle_pt_a, circle_pt_b) < (radius_a + radius_b) then return true end return false end
下一篇 【COCOS2DX-游戏开发之三七】圆与旋转矩形的碰撞检测(下篇)
时间: 2024-10-09 18:04:51