1 #include<stdio.h> 2 #include<stdlib.h> 3 4 #define OK 1 5 #define NO 0 6 #define TRUE 1 7 #define FALSE 0 8 #define ERROR -1 9 10 #define MaxVerTexNum 100 11 #define INFINITY 65535 12 typedef int ElementType; 13 typedef int Status; 14 typedef int WeightType; 15 typedef int Vertex; 16 typedef char DataType; 17 18 typedef int Position; 19 typedef struct QNode{ 20 ElementType *Data; 21 Position Front, Rear; 22 int MaxSize; 23 }QNode,*Queue; 24 25 typedef struct ENode{ 26 Vertex V1,V2; //有向边<v1,V2> 27 WeightType Weight;//权重 28 }ENode,*PtrToENode ; 29 30 typedef PtrToENode Edge; 31 32 Status IsFull( Queue Q ); 33 34 typedef struct GNode{ 35 int Nv;//顶点数 36 int Ne;//边数 37 WeightType G[MaxVerTexNum][MaxVerTexNum];//邻接矩阵 38 DataType Data[MaxVerTexNum];//save data of the Vertex; 39 }GNode,*PtrToGNode; 40 41 typedef PtrToGNode MGraph; 42 43 ElementType DeleteQ( Queue Q ); 44 45 Queue CreateQueue( int MaxSize ); 46 47 Status IsEmpty( Queue Q ); 48 49 Status AddQ( Queue Q, ElementType X ); 50 51 MGraph CreateGraph(int VertexNum);//Create a Graph with VertexNum Vertex but without an ege; 52 53 void InsertEdge(MGraph Graph,Edge E); 54 55 MGraph BuildGraph(); 56 57 Status IsEdge(MGraph Graph,Vertex V,Vertex W);//检查<V,W>是不是图中的一条边,即W是不是V的邻接点 58 59 void BFS(MGraph Graph,Vertex S); 60 61 void Unweighted(MGraph Graph,int dist[],int path[],Vertex); 62 63 int main(int argc,char** argv) 64 { 65 MGraph Graph; 66 Graph=BuildGraph(); 67 68 int i,j; 69 int dist[100]; 70 int path[100]; 71 72 Vertex S=1; 73 int sum; 74 for(i=0;i<=99;i++) 75 { 76 dist[i]=path[i]=-1; 77 } 78 79 printf("无向图最短路径\n"); 80 Unweighted(Graph,dist,path,S); 81 82 for(j=0;j<Graph->Nv;j++){ //出现死循环要多调试 83 i=j; 84 sum=0; 85 while(i!=-1){ 86 87 printf("%d",i); 88 i=path[i]; 89 if(i!=-1){ 90 printf("<--"); 91 sum++; 92 } 93 94 } 95 printf("\n"); 96 printf("从%d到%d的无权图最短路径为%d\n",S,j,sum); 97 printf("\n"); 98 } 99 100 //DFS(Graph, 1); 101 return 0; 102 } 103 104 MGraph CreateGraph(int VertexNum){ 105 Vertex V,W; 106 MGraph Graph; 107 Graph=(MGraph)malloc(sizeof(GNode));//form a Graph 108 Graph->Nv=VertexNum; 109 Graph->Ne=0;// 110 for(V=0;V<Graph->Nv;V++) 111 for(W=0;W<Graph->Nv;W++) 112 Graph->G[V][W]=INFINITY; 113 return Graph; 114 } 115 116 void InsertEdge(MGraph Graph,Edge E){ 117 Graph->G[E->V1][E->V2]=E->Weight; 118 //若是无向图还要插入 119 Graph->G[E->V2][E->V1]=E->Weight; 120 } 121 122 MGraph BuildGraph(){ 123 MGraph Graph; 124 Edge E; 125 Vertex V; 126 int Nv,i; 127 printf("输入结点的个数\n"); 128 scanf("%d",&Nv);//the number of vertex 129 Graph=CreateGraph(Nv);//initate graph with Nv vertexs !!return 回去要赋值给Graph; 130 //getchar(); 131 printf("输入弧的个数\n"); 132 scanf("%d",&(Graph->Ne));//read the number of ege 133 if(Graph->Ne!=0) 134 { 135 E=(Edge)malloc(sizeof(ENode)); 136 for(i=0;i<Graph->Ne;i++){ 137 // getchar(); 138 printf("输入弧的信息V1 V2 Weight\n"); 139 scanf("%d %d %d",&(E->V1),&(E->V2),&(E->Weight)); 140 InsertEdge(Graph,E); 141 } 142 } 143 // for(V=0;V<Graph->Nv;V++) 144 // scanf("%c",&(Graph->Data[V])); 145 return Graph; 146 147 } 148 149 void Visit(Vertex V){ 150 printf("正在访问顶点%d\n",V); 151 } 152 153 Status IsEdge(MGraph Graph,Vertex V,Vertex W){ 154 return Graph->G[V][W]<INFINITY?TRUE:FALSE; 155 } 156 157 Queue CreateQueue( int MaxSize ) 158 { 159 Queue Q = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode)); 160 Q->Data = (ElementType *)malloc(MaxSize * sizeof(ElementType)); 161 Q->Front = Q->Rear = 0; 162 Q->MaxSize = MaxSize; 163 return Q; 164 } 165 166 Status AddQ( Queue Q, ElementType X ) 167 { 168 if ( IsFull(Q) ) { 169 printf("队列满"); 170 return FALSE; 171 } 172 else { 173 Q->Rear = (Q->Rear+1)%Q->MaxSize; 174 Q->Data[Q->Rear] = X; 175 return FALSE; 176 } 177 } 178 ElementType DeleteQ( Queue Q ) 179 { 180 if ( IsEmpty(Q) ) { 181 printf("队列空"); 182 return ERROR; 183 } 184 else { 185 Q->Front =(Q->Front+1)%Q->MaxSize; 186 return Q->Data[Q->Front]; 187 } 188 } 189 190 Status IsEmpty( Queue Q ) 191 { 192 return (Q->Front == Q->Rear); 193 } 194 Status IsFull( Queue Q ) 195 { 196 return ((Q->Rear+1)%Q->MaxSize == Q->Front); 197 } 198 199 void Unweighted(MGraph Graph,int dist[],int path[],Vertex S){ 200 Queue Q; 201 Vertex V,W; 202 int MaxSize=100; 203 Q=CreateQueue(MaxSize); 204 dist[S]=0; 205 AddQ(Q,S); 206 while(!IsEmpty(Q)) 207 { 208 V=DeleteQ(Q); 209 for(W=0;W<Graph->Nv;W++) 210 if(Graph->G[V][W]!=0&&Graph->G[V][W]!=INFINITY){ 211 if(dist[W]==-1){ 212 dist[W]=dist[V]+1; 213 path[W]=V; 214 AddQ(Q,W); 215 } 216 } 217 } 218 }
时间: 2024-12-20 11:54:30