Machine Learning - IX. Neural Networks Learning (Week 5)

机器学习Machine Learning - Andrew NG courses学习笔记

Neural Networks Learning 神经网络学习

Neural Networks are one of the most powerful learning algorithms that we have today.

Cost Function代价函数

Note: 对于multi-class classfication,要求K>=3. if we had two classes then, we will need to use only one output unit.{[01]+[10]和0+1效果一样}

Note: h of x subscript i, to denote the ith output.That is h of x is a K dimensional vector.

Except that we don‘t sum over the terms corresponding to these bias values

Backpropagation Algorithm BP反向传播算法

Backpropagation Intuition反向传播直觉知识

Implementation Note_ Unrolling Parameters执行节点展开参数

Gradient Checking梯度检查

Random Initialization随机初始化

Putting It Together组合在一起

Autonomous Driving自动驾驶


时间: 2024-12-09 22:56:56

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