Instant Django 1.5 Application Development Starter

  1. Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid
    development and clean, pragmatic design.

  2. Model: The application data

  3. View: which data is presented

  4. Template: How the data is presented

  5. A project is just a collection of settings organized in a defined folder
    structure to run an instance of Django and they can be auto generated using a
    Django-admin command offered by the Django package.

  6. The Django development server: python runserver

  7. The server runs by default on port 8000 and on the default local host IP you can change this by passing the port as the first argument of
    the runserver command.

  8. Each one of the Django apps included by default needs at least one
    database table that will be created when we run a Django management command
    called syncdb.

  9. A Django app is just a Python package with a certain structure located
    somewhere in your Python path.

  10. The models essentially represented the database layout with some
    additional metadata.

  11. The first thing that you should note is that each model is represented by
    a class that is a subclass of Django.db.models.Model.  the class
    variables in the models represent the database field.

  12. Each field is an istance of the Field class and tells Django what kind of
    data each field holds. Each field type can be easily understood by looking at
    the class names.

  13. The name of each field instance is the name that you will use in your
    Python code to reference the field as well as the column name in your

  14. Syncdb command an be called as many times as you like, it will only create
    the tables that do not exist in the database.

  15. In Django, a view is just a Python function that accepts a request
    object as the first parameter and returns a valid HttpResponse Object.

  16. When a Django page is requested the engine looks at the ROOT_URLCONF
    variable in the file to know which module is responsible for the
    routing in this module. Django expects to find a variable called urlpatterns,
    which is a sequence of tuples with following format: (regular expression,
    Python callback function [, optional directory])

  17. Django starts matching the requested URL against each regular expression
    in the list, and as soon as it finds one that matches it calls the callback
    Python function by passing an HttpRequest object as the first argument.

  18. HttpRequest.method: A string representing the HTTP method used in the
    request. This is guaranteed to be uppercase.

  19. HttpRequest.GET: a dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP GET

  20. HttpRequest.POST: a dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP POST

  21. HttpRequest.META: a standard dictionary Python dictionary containing all
    available HTTP headers.

  22. HttpRequest.user: A Django.contrib.auth.models.User object representing
    the currently logged-in user. If the user isn‘t currently logged in, the user
    object will be set to an instance of

  23. HttpRequest.session: a readable-and-writable dictionary-like object that
    represents the current session. This is only available if your Django
    installation has session support activated.

Instant Django 1.5 Application Development Starter,布布扣,

时间: 2024-08-12 23:55:11

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