Scala multiple inheritance. Mixin order v.s. Super order.

Code is everything:

trait Base1 {
  println("mixing Base1")

  def print() {

trait A extends Base1 {
  println("mixing A")

  override def print() {

trait B extends Base1 {
  println("mixing B")

  override def print() {

class Base2 {
  println("mixing Base2")

  def print() {

  * C extends Base2 with A with B
  * => inheritance linearization
  * step 1: expansion
  * C extends Base2 with Base1 with A with Base1 with B
  * step 2: duplication removal
  * C extends Base2 with Base1 with A with B
  * So the mixin order is:
  * Base2 -> Base1 -> A -> B
  * Super order is:
  * B -> A -> Base1 (because Base1 mixes in after Base2, so it overrides it)
class C extends Base2 with A with B {
  println("creating C")

  override def print() {

object Main extends App {
  (new C).print()

mixing Base2
mixing Base1
mixing A
mixing B
creating C
时间: 2024-08-04 15:24:06

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