Re: Building GTK+ 3.0 with Visual Studio 2013

  • From: Syed Akbar <syed_akbar gmx net>
  • To: gtk-list gnome org
  • Subject: Re: Building GTK+ 3.0 with Visual Studio 2013
  • Date: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 10:52:15 +0100

Thanks for your reply, John. I have the problem that GTK drag‘n‘drop does not work on Windows 7 while Kaspersky Security 2014 or TuneUpUtilities 2014 is running. I just want to debug into the GTK source to see if I can fix it myself... maybe a too ambitious aim.

Am 08.02.2014 10:24, schrieb John Emmas:
On 07/02/2014 22:16, Syed Akbar wrote:

what is the fastest way to build GTK+ 3.0 with Visual Studio 2013 or to include the source files into my project for debugging purposes?

As I mentioned earlier, building from source isn‘t something for a beginner. This is especially true if you want to build with VS2013.You need to keep in mind that it isn‘t simply a matter of building GTK+. You‘d also need to build all the libraries on which GTK+depends, as well as all the libraries on which they depend etc, etc. At the very least you‘d need to build:-


but you‘d almost certainly need others too - such as sigc++ / pixman / i18n / freetype / gdk-pixbuf and a whole host of others. Having said all that, there‘s an open-source project called HexChat which looks like it might have been built with VS2013:-

If you visit that page you‘ll notice that they provide pre-built bundles for x86 and x64. I haven‘t downloaded them but (hopefully)those bundles would include everything you‘ll need to get you started. And (BIG BONUS HERE) a few lines further down there‘s a helpful guide for building the entire GTK+ stack with VS2013 !!

OTOH, most of the official libraries contain VS projects but they‘re predominantly for VC++ 9 (i.e. Visual Studio 2008). So alternatively, you could download the free version of VS2008 and build with that:-

Good luck !

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gtk-list gnome org

时间: 2024-12-14 07:09:20



一.简介   二.安装 1)linux 2)window

GTK常用控件之行编辑( GtkEntry )

行编辑,只允许输入一行内容的控件,如密码输入框. 行编辑的创建: GtkWidget *gtk_entry_new(void); 返回值:行编辑指针 设置行编辑内容的最大长度: void gtk_entry_set_max_length(GtkEntry *entry, gint max); entry:行编辑 max:长度的最大值,这里填0代表长度不作限制 设置行编辑的文本内容: void gtk_entry_set_text(GtkEntry *entry, const gchar *tex


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centos6.5 源码安装 gtk 环境

解决 No package 'gtk+-2.0′ found问题方法:yum install libgnomeui-devel 执行了上面的,下面的就可以放弃了,yum 大法好 首先 yum 安装下面这两库:yum install cairo-develyum install libtiff*源码下载 wget


windows: 下载all-in-one bundle 安装即可 为什么下载2.x的是给codeblocks准备的,codeblocks不支持直接创建3.x版本的开发环境,但是支持从2.x版本直接   创建gtk+工程, 或者在上述官网没有下的话可以去chinaunix下载 Linux gtk

解决 GTK+/GNOME 3 环境下 Java Swing 程序使用本地 GTK+ 主题时菜单无边框 bug 的方法

在 GTK+/GNOME 3 环境下采用默认的 Adwaita 主题时,Java Swing 程序如果使用本地 GTK+ 主题会出现菜单无边框的 bug,这个问题也可能在其他常用的 GTK+ 主题中出现.说这是 Java Swing 的 bug 还是 GTK+/GNOME 3 的主题(如 Adwaita)的 bug 其实意义不是太大.这里给出一个简单的解决办法,其思路是修改 GTK+/GNOME 3 的主题,这里以系统默认的 Adwaita 主题为例: Adwaita 主题文件位于 /usr/s


框架(Frames)可以用于在盒子中封装一个或一组构件,框架本身还可以有一个标签.标签的位置和盒子的风格可以灵活改变. 框架可以用下面的函数创建: GtkWidget *gtk_frame_new( const gchar *label ); 标签缺省放在框架的左上角.传递NULL值作为label参数时,框架不显示标签.标签文本可以用下面的函数改变. void gtk_frame_set_label( GtkFrame    *frame,                          co


今天继续做的是昨天那个界面对的优化,直接贴下代码, 1 void click_radio(GtkWidget *widget,gpointer *data) 2 { 3 GtkWidget *dialog; 4 GtkWidget *box; 5 GtkWidget *pbox; 6 GtkWidget *bbox; 7 GtkWidget *password_label,*password_entry; 8 GtkWidget *button1; 9 GtkWidget *button2; 1


gtk感觉函数好多,需要记好多函数,还是多练习,多总结,今天写了一个登陆窗口,很简单,主要是为了加深对这些东西的记忆,直接贴代码 1 #include<gtk/gtk.h> 2 static GtkWidget* entry1; 3 static GtkWidget* entry2; 4 void succes() 5 { 6 GtkWidget* dialog; 7 GtkWidget* label; 8 GtkWidget* button; 9 GtkWidget* vbox; 10 Gt


Code::Blocks配置GTK+2和GTK+3 作者 He YiJun – storysnail<at> 团队 ls 版权 转载请保留本声明! 本文档包含的原创代码根据General Public License,v3 发布 GPLv3 许可证的副本可以在这里获得: 本文档根据GNU Free Documentation License 1.3发布 GFDL1.3许可证的副本可以在这里获得:http: