
7 Log compaction

Raft’s log grows during normal operation to incorporate more client requests, but in a practical system, it cannot grow without bound. As the log grows longer, it occupies more space and takes more time to replay. This will eventually cause availability problems without some mechanism to discard obsolete information that has accumulated in the log.

Snapshotting is the simplest approach to compaction. In snapshotting, the entire current system state is written to a snapshot on stable storage, then the entire log up to that point is discarded. Snapshotting is used in Chubby and ZooKeeper, and the remainder of this section describes snapshotting in Raft.

Incremental approaches to compaction, such as log cleaning [36] and log-structured merge trees [30, 5], are also possible. These operate on a fraction of the data at once, so they spread the load of compaction more evenly over time. They first select a region of data that has accumulated many deleted and overwritten objects, then they rewrite the live objects from that region more compactly and free the region. This requires significant additional mechanism and complexity compared to snapshotting, which simplifies the problem by always operating on the entire data set. While log cleaning would require modifications to Raft, state machines can implement LSM trees using the same interface as snapshotting.

Figure 12 shows the basic idea of snapshotting in Raft. Each server takes snapshots independently, covering just the committed entries in its log. Most of the work consists of the state machine writing its current state to the snapshot. Raft also includes a small amount of metadata in the snapshot: the last included index is the index of the last entry in the log that the snapshot replaces (the last entry the state machine had applied), and the last included term is the term of this entry. These are preserved to support the AppendEntries consistency check for the first log entry following the snapshot, since that entry needs a previous log index and term. To enable cluster membership changes (Section 6), the snapshot also includes the latest configuration in the log as of last included index. Once a server completes writing a snapshot, it may delete all log entries up through the last included index, as well as any prior snapshot.

Although servers normally take snapshots independently, the leader must occasionally send snapshots to followers that lag behind. This happens when the leader has already discarded the next log entry that it needs to send to a follower. Fortunately, this situation is unlikely in normal operation: a follower that has kept up with the leader would already have this entry. However, an exceptionally slow follower or a new server joining the cluster (Section 6) would not. The way to bring such a follower up-to-date is for the leader to send it a snapshot over the network.

The leader uses a new RPC called InstallSnapshot to send snapshots to followers that are too far behind; see Figure 13. When a follower receives a snapshot with this RPC, it must decide what to do with its existing log entries. Usually the snapshot will contain new information not already in the recipient’s log. In this case, the follower discards its entire log; it is all superseded by the snapshot and may possibly have uncommitted entries that conflict with the snapshot. If instead the follower receives a snapshot that describes a prefix of its log (due to retransmission or by mistake), then log entries covered by the snapshot are deleted but entries following the snapshot are still valid and must be retained.

This snapshotting approach departs from Raft’s strong leader principle, since followers can take snapshots without the knowledge of the leader. However, we think this departure is justified. While having a leader helps avoid conflicting decisions in reaching consensus, consensus has already been reached when snapshotting, so no decisions conflict. Data still only flows from leaders to followers, just followers can now reorganize their data.

We considered an alternative leader-based approach in which only the leader would create a snapshot, then it would send this snapshot to each of its followers. However, this has two disadvantages. First, sending the snapshot to each follower would waste network bandwidth and slow the snapshotting process. Each follower already has the information needed to produce its own snapshots, and it is typically much cheaper for a server to produce a snapshot from its local state than it is to send and receive one over the network. Second, the leader’s implementation would be more complex. For example, the leader would need to send snapshots to followers in parallel with replicating new log entries to them, so as not to block new client requests.

There are two more issues that impact snapshotting performance. First, servers must decide when to snapshot. If a server snapshots too often, it wastes disk bandwidth and energy; if it snapshots too infrequently, it risks exhausting its storage capacity, and it increases the time required to replay the log during restarts. One simple strategy is to take a snapshot when the log reaches a fixed size in bytes. If this size is set to be significantly larger than the expected size of a snapshot, then the disk bandwidth overhead for snapshotting will be small.

The second performance issue is that writing a snapshot can take a significant amount of time, and we do not want this to delay normal operations. The solution is to use copy-on-write techniques so that new updates can be accepted without impacting the snapshot being written. For example, state machines built with functional data structures naturally support this. Alternatively, the operating system’s copy-on-write support (e.g., fork on Linux) can be used to create an in-memory snapshot of the entire state machine (our implementation uses this approach).

7 日志压缩


时间: 2024-10-20 13:35:50



首先,翻一下图1的注释:复制状态机架构.一致性算法管理日志复制包括从可短接收的状态机命令.状态机处理日志里相同序列的命令,所以他们产生相同的输出. 正式图解,首先图1分为2个部分,客户端和服务器.箭头1由客户端指向服务器的一致性模块,表示由客户端发送请求至服务器由一致性模块接收,然后才有箭头2进行分发日志处理的命令.可以看到箭头2指向多层的log模块,表示多个服务器接收了该信息.日志处理完成后,出现箭头3,日志模块发送消息给状态机,最后由状态机返回结果给客户端.这里主要阐述状态机的实现. 再来由


5 The Raft consensus algorithm Raft is an algorithm for managing a replicated log of the form described in Section 2. Figure 2 summarizes the algorithm in condensed form for reference, and Figure 3 lists key properties of the algorithm; the elements


6 Cluster membership changes Up until now we have assumed that the cluster configuration (the set of servers participating in the consensus algorithm) is fixed. In practice, it will occasionally be necessary to change the configuration, for example t


5.3 Log replication Once a leader has been elected, it begins servicing client requests. Each client request contains a command to be executed by the replicated state machines. The leader appends the command to its log as a new entry, then issues App


9 Implementation and evaluation We have implemented Raft as part of a replicated state machine that stores configuration information for RAMCloud [33] and assists in failover of the RAMCloud coordinator. The Raft implementation contains roughly 2000


5.2 Leader election Raft uses a heartbeat mechanism to trigger leader election. When servers start up, they begin as followers. A server remains in follower state as long as it receives valid RPCs from a leader or candidate. Leaders send periodic hea


11 Conclusion Algorithms are often designed with correctness, efficiency, and/or conciseness as the primary goals. Although these are all worthy goals, we believe that understandability is just as important. None of the other goals can be achieved un


5.5 Follower and candidate crashes Until this point we have focused on leader failures. Follower and candidate crashes are much simpler to handle than leader crashes, and they are both handled in the same way. If a follower or candidate crashes, then

分布式一致性算法:Raft 算法

Raft 算法是可以用来替代 Paxos 算法的分布式一致性算法,而且 raft 算法比 Paxos 算法更易懂且更容易实现.本文对 raft 论文进行翻译,希望能有助于读者更方便地理解 raft 的思想.如果对 Paxos 算法感兴趣,可以看我的另一篇文章:分布式系列文章--Paxos算法原理与推导 摘要Raft 是用来管理复制日志(replicated log)的一致性协议.它跟 multi-Paxos 作用相同,效率也相当,但是它的组织结构跟 Paxos 不同.这使得 Raft 比 Pax