tips1. 但是我们要注意的是, 表的插入和删除操作其实有两部分组成:遍历找到第i个元素,然后删除或插入。那其实顺序表这步的时间复杂度为 O(1),
#ifndef _LIST_H #define _LIST_H #include<iostream> #include<assert.h>//断言 #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define ElemType int typedef struct Node { ElemType data; struct Node *next; }Node, *PNode; typedef PNode List; /*-------------------------函数声明------------------------*/ void menu();//菜单 void InitList(List *list);//初始化函数 bool CreateList(List *list, int count);//创建函数 bool isEmpty(List *list);//判断空 bool push_front(List *list, ElemType x);//头插 int push_back(List *list, ElemType x);//尾插 bool pop_front(List *list);//头删 bool pop_back(List *list);//尾删 Node* find(List *list, ElemType x);//查询 返回输入序号的指针 int LocatePos(List *list, ElemType x);//查询 获取输入序号的值 void Length(List *list);//长度 bool delete_pos(List *list, ElemType pos);//位置删除 bool delete_val(List *list, ElemType x);//值删 bool modify(List *list, int pos, ElemType x);//修改某位置的值域 bool DestroyList(List *list);//摧毁 void ShowList(List list);//显示 bool insert_pos(List *list, int pos, ElemType x);//位置插入 bool insert_val(List *list, ElemType x);//值 插入(有序前提) bool sort(List *list);//排序 Node* resver(List *list);//逆置 void reverse_2(List *list);//逆置 Node* next(List *list, ElemType key);//返回输入位置的后继节点 Node* prio(List *list, ElemType key);//返回输入位置的前驱节点 Node* Pfind(List *list, size_t pos);//返回对应位置的指针 #endif
#include"List.h" /*-----------------函数实现部分----------------------*/ void menu() { cout << " " << endl; cout << "**********************************" << endl; cout << "* [100] CreateList *" << endl; cout << "* [0] quit_system [1] push_back *" << endl; cout << "* [2] push_front [3] show_list *" << endl; cout << "* [4] pop_back [5] pop_front *" << endl; cout << "* [6] insert_pos *" << endl; cout << "* [8] delete_pos [9] delete_val *" << endl; cout << "* [10] find [11] LocatePos *" << endl; cout << "* [12] modify [13] destroy *" << endl; cout << "* [14] sort [15] resver *" << endl; cout << "* [16] length [17] next *" << endl; cout << "* [18] prio *" << endl; cout << "**********************************" << endl; cout << "plese chose:>"; } /*-----------初始化单链表———————————————*/ void InitList(List *list) { *list = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); (*list)->next = NULL; (*list)->data = 0; } /*---------头节点的方式创建单链表---------------------*/ //??????? bool CreateList(List *list,int count) //Node * *list { Node *p = *list; ElemType x = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { cin >> x; p = p->next = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); p->data = x; p->next = NULL; (*list)->data++; } return false; } /*----判断空--------*/ bool isEmpty(List *list) { return (NULL == (*list)->next); } /*-----------------尾插————————————*/ int push_back(List *list, ElemType x) { if (isEmpty(list)) return 0; Node* cur = (*list)->next; while (cur->next != NULL) { cur = cur->next; } Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p == NULL) return 0; p->data = x; cur->next = p; p->next = NULL; (*list)->data++; } /*-----------------头插————————————*/ bool push_front(List *list, ElemType x) { Node *p = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); if (p == NULL) return false; p->data = x; p->next = (*list)->next; (*list)->next = p; (*list)->data++; } /*------显示--------------*/ void ShowList(List list) { Node *p = list->next; while (p != NULL) { cout << p->data << "-->"; p = p->next; } cout << "Nul" << endl; } /*-----------------尾删————————————*/ bool pop_back(List *list) { if (isEmpty(list)) return false; Node* cur = (*list); while (cur->next != NULL && cur->next->next != NULL) { cur = cur->next; } free(cur->next); cur->next = NULL; (*list)->data--; return true; } /*-----------------头删————————————*/ bool pop_front(List *list) { if (isEmpty(list)) return false; Node *p = (*list)->next; (*list)->next = p->next; free(p); p = NULL; (*list)->data--; } /*-------------------按位置插入--------------*/ bool insert_pos(List *list, int pos, ElemType x) { Node *p = Pfind(list, pos - 1);//寻找第i-1个结点 if (p == NULL)//i<1或i>n+1时插入位置i有错 { cout << "ERROR POS" << endl; } Node* s = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node)); s->data = x; s->next = p->next; p->next = s; return false; } /*--------位置删除---------------*/ bool delete_pos(List *list, ElemType pos) { int count = 1; Node* cur = NULL; Node* pre = *list; while (pre->next != NULL && pre->next->next != NULL && count < pos)//找到前驱 { pre = pre->next; count++; } if (count != pos) { cout << "ERROE pos" << endl; return false; } cur = pre->next; pre->next = cur->next; free(cur); cur = NULL; (*list)->data--; return true; } /*----------按值删除-------------*/ bool delete_val(List *list, ElemType x) { Node* pre = *list; Node* cur = NULL; while (pre->next != NULL && pre->next->next != NULL)//找到前驱 { if (x == pre->next->data) { cur = pre->next; pre->next = cur->next; free(cur); cur = NULL; return true; } pre = pre->next; } (*list)->data--; return true; } /*----------------查询 返回指针————————————*/ Node* find(List *list, ElemType x) { Node *p = (*list)->next; while (p) { if (p->data != x) p = p->next; else break; } return p; } /*----------输入序号 返回指针——————*/ Node* Pfind(List *list, size_t pos) { size_t count = 1; Node *p = (*list)->next; while (count < pos) { p = p->next; count++; } if (count != pos) return NULL; return p; } /*-----------------查询 返回序号————————————*/ int LocatePos(List *list, ElemType x) { Node* cur = (*list)->next; int count = 0; while (cur) { count++; if (x == cur->data) return count; //返回是第几个元素 cur = cur->next; } return 0; } /*--------------修改---------------*/ bool modify(List *list,int pos, ElemType x) { int count = 1; if (pos < 0 || pos >(*list)->data) return false; Node* cur = (*list)->next; while (cur != NULL && cur->next != NULL) { if (count == pos) { cur->data = x; return true; } cur = cur->next; count++; } return false; } /*-------销毁-------------*/ bool DestroyList(List *list) { Node *p = (*list); Node *q = NULL; while (p) { q = p->next; free(p); p = q; } (*list)->next = NULL; cout << "the List was destroyed !" << endl; cout << "After destroy ,any operation is invalid!" << endl; cout << "Please quit_system!" << endl; return true; } /*----------排序--------------*/ bool sort(List *list) { if (isEmpty(list)) return false; Node* p = NULL; Node* q = NULL; for (p = (*list)->next; p != NULL; p = p->next) { for (q = p->next; q != NULL; q = q->next) { if (p->data > q->data) { p->data = p->data ^ q->data; q->data = p->data ^ q->data; p->data = p->data ^ q->data; } } } return true; } /*-------逆置-----------*/ Node* resver(List *list) { Node *p = (*list)->next; Node *q = NULL; Node *r = NULL; while (p) { q = p->next; p->next = r; r = p; p = q; } return r; } void reverse_2(List *list) { Node *p, *q; p = (*list)->next; //P指向链表第一个元素 (*list)->next = NULL; //断开头结点与链表 while (p != NULL) { q = p; p = p->next; q->next = (*list)->next; //相当于前插法构建新的链表,和原来的相反 (*list)->next = q; } } /*----------------返回长度————————————*/ void Length(List *list) { cout << "the length of list is:>" << (*list)->data << endl; } /*-----------------返回后继————————————*/ Node* next(List *list, ElemType key) //输入节点序号返回其后继节点 { Node* cur = (*list)->next; int count = 1; if (isEmpty(list) || key < 0 || key > (*list)->data) return false; while (count < key) { cur = cur->next; count++; } if (count == key) { cur = cur->next; return cur; } else { cout << "ERROE" << endl; return false; } } /*-----------------返回前驱————————————*/ Node* prio(List *list, ElemType key) { Node* pre = (*list); Node* cur = (*list)->next; int count = 1; if (isEmpty(list) || key < 1 || key > (*list)->data) return false; while (count < key) { pre = pre->next; cur = cur->next; count++; } if (count == key) { return pre; } else { cout << "ERROE" << endl; return false; } }
#include"List.h" int main(void) { List mylist; InitList( &mylist); ElemType item; int pos = 0; int select = 1; int length = 0; while (select) { menu(); cin >> select; switch (select) { case 100: cout << "please input the length:>" ; cin >> length; cout << "please input the data:>" ; CreateList(&mylist, length); break; case 1: cout << "please enter data:>"; cin >> item; push_back(&mylist, item); break; case 2: cout << "please enter data:>"; cin >> item; push_front(&mylist, item); break; case 3: ShowList(mylist); break; case 4: pop_back(&mylist); break; case 5: pop_front(&mylist); break; case 6: cout << "please enter position:>"; cin >> pos; cout << "please enter insert data:>"; cin >> item; insert_pos(&mylist, pos, item); break; case 8: cout << "please enter position:>"; cin >> pos; delete_pos(&mylist, pos); break; case 9: cout << "please enter delete data:>"; cin >> item; delete_val(&mylist, item); break; case 10: cout << "please enter data:>"; cin >> item; cout << "the piont of pos is:>" << find(&mylist, item) << endl; break; case 11: cout << "please enter data:>"; cin >> item; cout << "the number of pos is>" << LocatePos(&mylist, item)<< endl; break; case 12: cout << "please enter position:>"; cin >> pos; cout << "please enter the modify data:>"; cin >> item; modify(&mylist, pos, item); break; case 13: DestroyList(&mylist); break; case 14: sort(&mylist); cout << "the changes of SeqList will be incremental ! " << endl; ShowList(mylist); break; case 15: (mylist)->next = resver(&mylist); cout << "the changes of List will be resver ! " << endl; ShowList(mylist); reverse_2(&mylist); cout << "the changes of List will be resver ! " << endl; ShowList(mylist); break; case 16: Length(&mylist); break; case 17: cout << "please enter position:>"; cin >> pos; if (pos <= 0 || pos >= (mylist)->data)//保证输入位置正确 { cout << "ERROR POS" << endl; break; } cout << "the NextPosData is:>" << next(&mylist, pos)->data; break; case 18: cout << "please enter position:>"; cin >> pos; if (pos <= 1 || pos > (mylist)->data)//保证输入位置正确 { cout << "ERROR POS" << endl; break; } cout << "the PrePosData is:>" << prio(&mylist, pos)->data; break; } } return 0; }