5 best Skype recorder that you don't want to miss

One of the biggest advantages of Skype is its simple and mostly free video calling function. But what if you need to record a video call, or if you would simply keep personal conversations remember? Wondering how to record Skype video? It‘s much simpler than you think.

Unfortunately, Skype does not support recording video calls. The good news is that there are many plug-ins that can perform this task. A plug-in is a module that provides additional functionality to a particular application (in this case, it‘s the Skype video call recording).

Also check out how to develop your own Skype recording software at:


There are two things to keep in mind when you record a Skype call. First, unlike Skype, most plug-ins for video recording are not free. Second, before recording a call, you should warn other participants. The legislation varies from one country or state to state, but we recommend that you take no risks and to seek leave of the participants before recording a Skype call.


Most plug-ins for video recording on the market offer a free trial period, after which you have to pay to continue using the program. The programs offer a free version are generally limited (they allow a video recording can not exceed five minutes, for example). You will find below some plug-ins available for Windows users. However, if you use Windows 8, you should check that these plug-ins work with the new operating system.

The only free and complete option we have found is offered by DVDVideoSoft and bears the very suitable name Free Video Call Recorder for Skype. The program has three modes: registration of all participants (Picture in Picture, Picture in Picture), registration of the other participant only or audio only. Skype will start automatically when you start the recorder and once you‘ve chosen your mode, you can start your conversation and press the record button. The program creates MP4 files from your video calls and automatically saves in the directory of your choice. In addition, a convenient feature automatically stops recording when you hang up. (Windows only)

Pamela for Skype is available in four versions, including a free Basic version that offers five minutes of video recording. The other three versions are paid and all offer unlimited video recording. They are called Call Recorder ($ 20), Professional ($ 33) and Business ($ 53). In addition to the unlimited video recording, the paid versions offer additional features such as scheduling phone conferences, managing voicemail and a function of podcasting publishing your recordings directly on the Internet. Pamela record Skype video calls to WMV format. If you want to share your large scale video recording, use the free RealPlayer video converter to save the MP4 format. (Windows only)

The plug-in Supertintin ($ 30) lets you record Skype video into four modes: picture in picture, side by side (each participant occupies half of the screen), remote (only other participant registered) or local (only you to be registered). Supertintin records in MP4 format video calls. (Windows only)


The first options are for Windows users. What about us Mac users? You will find several plug-ins that enable you to record Skype video calls on a Mac:

Vodburner allows you to record and edit your Skype video calls, making it a handy tool to create and distribute video podcasts. The program records video as MP4 or WMV files easily shared. After recording a Skype call, you can use the Vodburner editing tools to trim video and add subtitles, images, background music and the external video content. You can also load the recording of your video appeal to YouTube directly from the application. After a free 14-day trial, Vodburner cost you $ 100. (Windows and Mac)

Designed for Mac users, Ecamm Call Recorder for Skype allows you to record video calls Image mode in the picture or split screen. The program saves the video files as QuickTime movies, you can also convert to MP3 audio files in the application. Ecamm Call Recorder costs $ 20 after a free trial of seven days.

5 best Skype recorder that you don't want to miss

时间: 2024-10-25 06:31:48

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