BED format

要用bedtools了, 当然要熟悉bed文件格式


1, chrom 不解释

2, start, 0-based

3, end, 说明书说是1-based, include。 不如理解为0-based, exclude

4, name, genome feature 的名字

5, score, 没什么用好像

6, strand, +or-

7, thickstart, the starting position at which the feature is drawn thickly

8, thickend , the ending positiion at which the feature is drawn thickly

9, intemRGB, an RGB value

10, blockcount, the number of blocks(exons) in the bed line

11, blocksizes, a comma-separated list of the block sizes

12, blockstarts, a comma-separated list of block starts


BED3 指前三列, chrom, start, end

BED4 前四列 , chrom start end name

BED5 前五列, chrom start end name score

BED6 前六列, chrom start end name score strand

BED12 所有列

除了以上几种,bedtools还定义了bedpe format:

We have defined a new file format (BEDPE) in order to concisely describe disjoint genome features, such as structural variations or paired-end sequence alignments. We chose to define a new format because the existing “blocked” BED format (a.k.a. BED12) does not allow inter-chromosomal feature definitions. In addition, BED12 only has one strand field, which is insufficient for paired-end sequence alignments, especially when studying structural variation.

by freemao


[email protected]

时间: 2024-10-08 00:06:58

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