

The framework requirements are limited.

The following PHP extensions should be enabled:

  • Fileinfo (edit php.ini and uncomment php_fileinfo.dll or use php selector within cpanel if available.)
  • OpenSSL
  • INTL

Note: Although a database is not required, if a database is to be used, the system is designed to work with a MySQL database using PDO.

时间: 2024-12-29 11:13:47



1.首先在原来的环境中生成一个需求文件requirements.txt,用于记录所有依赖包及其精确的版本号. (venv) $ pip freeze >requirements.txt 2.创建副本时先创建一个新的虚拟环境 $ virtualenv venv 3.激活虚拟环境 $ venv\Scripts\activate 4.创建副本 (venv) $ pip install -r /../requirement.txt 命令pip install 的参数 -r 的说明: -r, --requ

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项目名称: pigar 项目地址: 使用说明: usage: pigar [-h] [-v] [-u] [-s NAME [NAME ...]] [-c [PATH]] [-l LOG_LEVEL]              [-i DIR [DIR ...]] [-p SAVE_PATH] [-P PROJECT_PATH] Python requirements tool -- pigar, it will do only 

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这里记录一下我现在项目的requirements.pip文件,安装命令为: pip install -r requirements.pip 这样一来,所有依赖,全部搞定. Django==1.9.2 djangorestframework==3.3.2 kombu==3.0.28 celery==3.1.20 django-celery==3.1.17 django-tinymce==2.2.0 MySQL-python==1.2.5 python-jenkins==0.4.9 requests

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