tju3243 Blocked Road

There are N seaside villages on X island, numbered from 1 to N. N roads
are built to connect all of them, which are also numbered from 1 to N, and the road with number i connects
the village i and i % N +
1. Sometimes, for some reasons, some roads are blocked, so some villages are not connected anymore. Now, you are assigned to write a program to offer dynamic information about the connectivity.

At first, all roads are not blocked. The input will tell you the road with number i are blocked or unblocked, or ask you if village i and j are connected. Here
two villages are connected means we can reach another village from one via some unblocked road. BTW, all the roads are bidirectional.


The first line of the input contains one integer T, which indicate
the number of test cases. The very first line of each case contains two integers, N and M. N (where
2 ≤ N ≤ 100000) is the total number of the villages, M (where
1 ≤ M ≤ 100000) is the number of queries. The next M lines
each describe one query. For each line, the first integer (0 or 1) indicates the type of the query. If the first integer is 0, there will be another integer i followed,
if the road i is blocked at present, it will be unblocked, and vice versa. If the query type is 1, there will be two more
integers i and j followed,
if the village i and j are
connected at present, the answer is 1, otherwise it shall be 0.


For each query of type 1, output its answer in a single line

Sample Input

5 10
1 2 5
0 4
1 4 5
0 2
1 3 4
1 1 3
0 1
0 2
1 2 4
1 2 5

Sample Output

using namespace std;
int b[100005],n,zhi[100006];
int lowbit(int x){
	return x&(-x);
void update(int pos,int num)
int getsum(int pos)
	int num=0;
	return num;

int main()
	int m,i,j,T,a,c,d;
				else {update(c,1);zhi[c]=1;}
				if( getsum(d-1)-getsum(c-1)==d-c   ||   getsum(n)-getsum(d-1)+getsum(c-1)==c+n-d )printf("1\n");
				else printf("0\n");
	return 0;

时间: 2025-01-01 05:29:37

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