在配置web.xml的servlet-mapping 的 url-pattern 碰到问题, 上网查, 查到servelt2_2-spec.pdf才得到答案.
? ‘/XXX/*‘
? ‘*.html‘
? ‘/‘
? 其他都是精确映射
例: ‘/XXX/Y*.html‘ 只能映射/XXX/Y*.html 的URL请求.
例: ‘/XXX‘ 只可以映射/XXX的URL请求.
10.2 Specification of Mappings
In the web application deployment descriptor, the following syntax is used to define mappings:
? A string beginning with a ‘/‘ character and ending with a ‘/*‘ postfix is used as a path
? A string beginning with a ‘*.‘ prefix is used as an extension mapping.
? All other strings are used as exact matches only
? A string containing only the ‘/‘ character indicates that servlet specified by the mapping becomes the "default" servlet of the application.
10.2 映射规则说明
在web应用的部署描述中(web.xml)中, 以下语法结构用于定义映射:
? 以‘/‘开头 并以‘/*‘结尾的字符串用于做路径的映射.
? 以‘*.‘开头 用于做扩展的映射.
? 其他的所有字符串都是只做精确映射.
? 一个只是‘/‘的字符串 将当前这个servlet明确为应用的默认servlet.