

增加的压力,称为眼压,可损害视神经,其发送图像到大脑。如果从高视神经损伤眼部压力持续,青光眼会 ??导致永久丧失视力。如果不进行治疗,青光眼能在几年内共造成永久性失明。


如果你是40岁以上,并有青光眼家族史,你应该有一个完整的眼科检查与眼科医生每隔一到两年。如果您有健康问题,如糖 ??尿病或青光眼家族史或有其他眼疾的风险,可能需要更频繁地访问您的眼科医生。





Glaucoma and Your Eyes

In this article

Glaucoma is a condition that causes damage to your eye‘s optic nerve and gets worse over time. It‘s often associated with a buildup of pressure inside the eyeGlaucoma tends to be inherited and may not show up until later in life.

The increased pressure, called intraocular pressure, can damage the optic nerve, which transmits images to the brain. If damage to the optic nerve from high eye pressure continues, glaucoma will cause permanent loss of vision. Without treatment, glaucoma can cause total permanent blindness within a few years.

Because most people with glaucoma have no early symptoms or pain from this increased pressure, it is important to see your eye doctor regularly so that glaucoma can be diagnosed and treated before long-term visual loss occurs.

If you are over age 40 and have a family history of glaucoma, you should have a complete eye exam with an eye doctor every one to two years. If you have health problems such as diabetes or a family history of glaucoma or are at risk for other eye diseases, you may need to visit your eye doctor more frequently.



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Why Does Pressure Rise in the Eye to Cause Glaucoma?

Glaucoma usually occurs when pressure in your eye increases. This can happen when eye fluid isn‘t circulating normally in the front part of the eye.

Normally, this fluid, called aqueous humor, flows out of the eye through a mesh-like channel. If this channel becomes blocked, fluid builds up, causing glaucoma. The direct cause of this blockage is unknown, but doctors do know that it can be inherited, meaning it is passed from parents to children.

Less common causes of glaucoma include a blunt or chemical injury to the eye, severe eye infection, blockage of blood vessels in the eye, inflammatory conditions of the eye, and occasionally eye surgery to correct another condition. Glaucoma usually occurs in both eyes, but it may involve each eye to a different extent.




  • 是非洲裔,爱尔兰,俄罗斯,日本,西班牙,因纽特人,或斯堪的纳维亚血统
  • 超过40岁
  • 有青光眼家族史
  • 视力不良
  • 糖尿病
  • 采取某些类固醇药物,例如强的松
  • 曾经有过创伤的眼睛或眼睛





  • 眼看灯光周围
  • 视力减退
  • 发红的眼睛
  • 眼睛看起来朦胧(特别是在婴幼儿)
  • 恶心呕吐
  • 疼痛在眼
  • 视野变窄(隧道视觉)

Glaucoma and Your Eyes

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What Are the Types of Glaucoma?

There are two main types of glaucoma:

Open-angle glaucoma. Also called wide-angle glaucoma, this is the most common type of glaucoma. The structures of the eye appear normal, but fluid in the eye does not flow properly through the drain of the eye, called the trabecular meshwork.

Angle-closure glaucoma. Also called acute or chronic angle-closure or narrow-angle glaucoma, this type of glaucoma is less common in the West than in Asia. Poor drainage is caused because the angle between the iris and thecornea is too narrow and is physically blocked by the iris. This condition leads to a sudden buildup of pressure in the eye.



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Who Gets Glaucoma?

Glaucoma most often occurs in adults over age 40, but it can also occur in young adults, children, and even infants. In African-Americans, glaucoma occurs more frequently and at an earlier age and with greater loss of vision.

You are at an increased risk of glaucoma if you:

  • Are of African-American, Irish, Russian, Japanese, Hispanic, Inuit, or Scandinavian descent
  • Are over age 40
  • Have a family history of glaucoma
  • Have poor vision
  • Have diabetes
  • Take certain steroid medications, such as prednisone
  • Have had trauma to the eye or eyes

What Are the Symptoms of Glaucoma?

For most people, there are usually few or no symptoms of glaucoma. The first sign of glaucoma is often the loss of peripheral or side vision, which can go unnoticed until late in the disease. This is why glaucoma is often called the "sneak thief of vision."

Detecting glaucoma early is one reason you should have a complete exam with an eye specialist every one to two years. Occasionally, intraocular pressure can rise to severe levels. In these cases, suddeneye painheadache, blurred vision, or the appearance of halos around lights may occur.

If you have any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical care:

  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Vision loss
  • Redness in the eye
  • Eye that looks hazy (particularly in infants)
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Pain in the eye
  • Narrowing of vision (tunnel vision)

Glaucoma and Your Eyes

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How Is Glaucoma Diagnosed?

To diagnose glaucoma, an eye doctor will test your vision and examine your eyes through dilated pupils. The eye exam typically focuses on the optic nerve, which has a particular appearance in glaucoma. In fact, photographs of the optic nerve can also be helpful to follow over time as the optic nerve appearance changes with the progression of the disease. The doctor will also perform a procedure called tonometry to check for eye pressure, and a visual field test, if necessary, to determine if there is loss of side vision. Glaucoma tests are painless and take very little time.

How Is Glaucoma Treated?

Glaucoma treatment may include prescription eye drops, laser surgery, or microsurgery.

  • Eye drops for glaucoma. These either reduce the formation of fluid in the front of the eye or increase its outflow. Side effects of glaucoma drops may include allergy, redness of the eyes, brief stinging, blurred vision, and irritated eyes. Some glaucoma drugs may affect the heart and lungs. Be sure to tell your doctor about any other medications you are currently taking or are allergic to.
  • Laser surgery for glaucoma. Laser surgery for glaucoma slightly increases the outflow of the fluid from the eye in open-angle glaucoma or eliminates fluid blockage in angle-closure glaucoma. Types of laser surgery for glaucoma include trabeculoplasty, in which a laser is used to pull open the trabecular meshwork drainage area; iridotomy, in which a tiny hole is made in the iris, allowing the fluid to flow more freely; and cyclophotocoagulation, in which a laser beam treats areas of the middle layer of the eye, reducing the production of fluid.
  • Microsurgery for glaucoma. In an operation called a trabeculectomy, a new channel is created to drain the fluid, thereby reducing intraocular pressure that causes glaucoma. Sometimes this form of glaucoma surgery fails and must be redone. For some patients, a glaucoma implant is the best option. Other complications of microsurgery for glaucoma include some temporary or permanent loss of vision, as well as bleeding or infection.



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Open-angle glaucoma is most commonly treated with various combinations of eye drops, laser trabeculoplasty, and microsurgery. Traditionally in the U.S., medications are used first, but there is increasing evidence that some people with glaucoma may respond better with early laser surgery or microsurgery.

Infant or congenital glaucoma -- meaning you are born with it -- is primarily treated with surgery, because the cause of the problem is a very distorted drainage system.

Talk to your eye doctor to find out which glaucoma treatment is right for you.







  • 滴眼剂为青光眼。这些或者降低流体的形成在眼睛的前部或增加其流出。青光眼滴的副作用包括过敏,眼睛红肿,刺痛短暂,视力模糊,并刺激眼睛。有些青光眼药物可能会影响心脏肺部。一定要告诉你的医生你目前正在服用或者是过敏任何其他药物。
  • 激光手术青光眼。激光手术青光眼略微增加了流体从眼开角型青光眼的流出或消除在闭角型青光眼的流体堵塞。激光手术青光眼的类型包括小梁成形术,其中,激光被用来拉开小梁流域面积; 虹膜切开术,其中一个微小的孔设置在虹膜制成,允许流体更自由地流动; 和睫状体,在其中激光束治疗眼睛的中间层的区域,减少了生产流体。
  • 显微青光眼。在称为小梁切除术的操作,将创建一个新的信道,以排出流体,从而减少了导致青光眼的眼内压。有时,这种形式的青光眼手术的失败,必须重做。对于一些患者,青光眼植入物是最好的选择。对于青光眼显微其它并发症包括视力的一些暂时或永久的损失,以及出血或感染。

Glaucoma and Your Eyes

In this article

Can Glaucoma Be Prevented?

Glaucoma cannot be prevented, but if it is diagnosed and treated early, the disease can be controlled.

What Is the Outlook for People With Glaucoma?

At this time, loss of vision caused by glaucoma is irreversible and cannot be restored. However, successfully lowering eye pressure can help prevent further visual loss from glaucoma. Most people with glaucoma do not go blind if they follow their treatment plan and have regular eye exam





时间: 2025-01-14 15:20:47



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马来酸氯苯那敏制剂有片剂.注射剂,又名扑尔敏,抗组胺类药,本品通过对H1受体的拮抗起到抗过敏作用.主要用于鼻炎.皮肤黏膜过敏及缓解流泪.打喷嚏.流涕等感冒症状. 适应症 1.用于过敏性鼻炎. 2.荨麻疹. 3.各种过敏性皮肤病. 应用 本品除有较强的竞争性阻断变态反应靶细胞上组胺H1受体的作用,通过对H1受体的拮抗起到抗过敏作用外,还具有抗M胆碱受体作用,故服药后可出现口干.便秘.痰液变稠.鼻黏膜干燥等症状.另外该药还具有一定的抑制中枢的作用,因此可出现服药后的困倦不良反应. 临床作用 1. 鼻


白内障是种发生的疾病,是首位致盲性眼病,白内障的流行情况各地区没有差异,中医中又称“青盲”.一般来说,随着年龄的增长,白内障的发病率逐渐提高. 晶状体的混浊位置可以在皮质.核.前囊或者后囊等处.晶状体的混浊不一定影响视力.出现在视轴上的混浊对视力的影响较大,例如后囊下的混浊,由于其处于眼球这个光学系统的节点处,所以即使是较小的混浊也对视力有较大的影响. 典型的白内障的临床表现是渐进性视力下降,由于晶状体的密度变化,还可能伴有近视度数加深,单眼复视(单眼看东西时出现多个物像)等症状.一般不伴有眼红


一.两位大善人简介 王凤仪先生(1864-1937)是中国近代著名的民间教育家,伦理道德宣传家,女子教育的开拓者.早年是农村长工,未曾读书,因笃行忠.孝,自诚而明.三十五岁那年,听大善士杨柏宣讲善书,因悟"贤人争罪,愚人争理",而沉痛后悔自己的过错,身患十二年的疮痨,一夜之间豁然痊愈.感叹人世,男不尽忠孝,女不知贤淑,世俗风气难以挽回,立志劝化世人.同年十月,善士杨柏遭诬陷被铺入朝阳监狱,王凤仪效法"羊角哀舍命全交"故事,誓死前往朝阳府营救杨柏.行至途中,夜间忽然出


氨咖黄敏片,适应症为适用于缓解普通感冒及流行性感冒引发的发热,头痛,四肢酸痛,打喷嚏,流鼻涕,鼻塞,咽痛等症状. 10药理作用 本品中对乙酰氯基酚能抑制前列腺素合成,有解热镇痛作用:咖啡因为中枢兴奋药,能增强对乙酰氨基酚的解热镇痛效果,病减轻其他药物所致的嗜睡.头晕等中枢抑制作用:马来酸氯苯那敏为抗组胺药.能减轻流涕.鼻塞.打喷嚏症状:人工牛黄具有解热.镇惊作用. 成份 本品为复方制剂,本品每片含对乙酰胺基酚250毫克,咖啡因15毫克,马来酸氯苯那敏1毫克,人工牛黄10毫克.辅料为:低取代羟丙基

KDD2015,Accepted Papers

Accepted Papers by Session Research Session RT01: Social and Graphs 1Tuesday 10:20 am–12:00 pm | Level 3 – Ballroom AChair: Tanya Berger-Wolf Efficient Algorithms for Public-Private Social NetworksFlavio Chierichetti,Sapienza University of Rome; Ales




导读: 任何疾病的发生发展都有一个过程,在突发前都有一些身体上的先兆,只不过没有引起我们足够的重视罢了.随着健康意识的增强,我们应该对人体发出的不良信号,给予足够的重视,避免酿成…… 任何疾病的发生发展都有一个过程,在突发前都有一些身体上的先兆,只不过没有引起我们足够的重视罢了.随着健康意识的增强,我们应该对人体发出的不良信号,给予足够的重视,避免酿成大祸.下面来看看哪些身体小问题在告诉你:危险啦!平时自己晨起时,就要开始注意自测身体健康状况,别让一些隐患隐疾毁了你自己,长期积累下来的小病可要小


苯丙哌林Benproperine [ 'benpr?p?r?n] 用于治疗急.慢性支气管炎及临床上各种原因引起的干咳,过敏性等因素引起的刺激性咳嗽. 用    法 口服 剂    型 片剂 中文别名 二苯哌丙烷.咳乐福.咳快好 药理 本品为非麻醉性镇咳剂,有双重镇咳作用,作用机制主要是阻断肺-胸膜的牵张感受器产生的肺-迷走神经反射,同时对呼 吸中枢也有抑制作用,故其镇咳作用兼具中枢性和末梢性双重机制.其作用较可待因强2-4倍.药理研究结果证明,可口服或静注本品2mg/kg可完全抑制多 种刺激引起