What is your definition of a DBA?

What is your definition of a DBA?


Today we have a guest(特邀的) editorial(社论)as Steve is traveling to the UK.


OK,I know the easy answer is a Database Administrator,but what role is that?If you had to describe it to a non-technical(非技术) person what would you say?There are many defferent roles and functions a DBA can have.Some of the roles or functions I have seen/done are:installing SQL Server,managing server performance(性能) including disk space utilization(使用率),managing backups(备份),controling access and user’s rights/roles,managing replication(复制) and always-on/multiple failover clusters(故障转移群集) and performance tuning(调节) /indexes(指标),sql jobs,alerts(报警),database mail,releasing db scripts(数据库脚本).I think these could be described as core(核心) DBA responsibilities.

好,我知道一个简单的答案是数据库管理员,但是那是一个什么角色呢?如果你不得不把他描述为一个非技术人员你会说什么?其实一个DBA可以有很多角色和功能。我曾经见过或做过的有:安装SQL Server,管理服务器性能包括硬盘空间的使用率,管理备份,控制进程和用户权限,管理复制和一直在线或多样化的故障转移群集,性能调优和指标,SQL工作,数据库报警,数据库邮件,释放数据库脚本。我认为这些是一个核心DBA的责任。

I have also seen,depending on the size of the company you work for,some DBA’s have some additional responsibilities.Things that might be described as more database developer such as creating tables ,views,functions and stored procs(内存字段).Or things that are more in the data architect realm(数据架构师领域) ,such as database design,schema(模式),nomallization tables(关联表的规范化),keys(密钥)and indexes.Sometimes,a DBA mignt manage the SSIS(SQL Server集成服务) packages that bring data in and /or out of the database .Other times they might need to do some reporting perhaps using SSRS(报表服务) or other reporting tools.As you move more into the BI(商业智能) landscape,there may be data warehousing (数据仓库)and ETL packages to manage.I am sure there are other aspcets of a being a DBA that I have missed.


In my previous job I was hired as a .net developer that also did database development.It was a very small shop and I was the one with the most database experience.Before I knew it I was installing sqlserver,setting up backups and managing sql server performance and more.I spent nine years at that job,where about two thirds of my job was doing DBA,database architcet or database developer work either for the company I worked for or for their clients.No one really asked me to do it,I just jumped in as I saw the need.


Now there are some people out there that aim to do the minimum at work.They are just skating by trying to stay under the radar(雷达).These people,when they are DBAs,are probably doing an adequate jod.The database servers are runing etc,but this is not how I would want to define a DBA. I think one thing that defines a good DBA,is someone who is willing and ready to jump in and go above and beyond their job description.They are managing their core responsbilities,but are also willing to lend a hand at some of the other aspects mentioned above that could be considered DBA work.They are not afraid of learning/trying something new.They are team players that want to see a project succeed and they are willing role up their sleeves (袖子)and get their hands dirty in the process.


How would you define a DBA? What roles and responsibilities do you currently have at your job?


时间: 2024-12-29 10:40:18

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