LeetCode-Add Two Numbers_002


再把这个数拆开放到链表里面。 注意要用long 型,用int 型会溢出。这个方法如果输入的数字再多一点就没法求了,毕竟long型也是有限的。运行了40ms

ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
    ListNode *result,*tempnode,*prenode;
	ListNode *l1_current = l1;
	ListNode *l2_current = l2;
	int p = 0;
	long sum1 = 0;
	long sum2 = 0;
	long sum3 = 0;
	vector<int> ivec;
	while (l1_current != NULL )
		sum1 += l1_current->val*pow(10, p);
		l1_current = l1_current->next;

	p = 0;
	while (l2_current != NULL)
		sum2 += l2_current->val*pow(10, p);
		l2_current = l2_current->next;
	sum3 = sum1 + sum2;
	long s = sum3;
	result = new ListNode(s % 10);
	prenode = result;
	s /= 10;
        tempnode = new ListNode( s % 10);
        prenode->next = tempnode;
        prenode = tempnode;
        s /= 10;

	return result;


  ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
   ListNode *result = NULL,*tempnode,*prenode;
	ListNode *l1_current = l1;
	ListNode *l2_current = l2;
	vector<int> ivec;
	vector<int> ivec1;
	vector<int> ivec2;
	while (l1_current != NULL)
		l1_current = l1_current->next;
	while (l2_current != NULL)
		l2_current = l2_current->next;

	int cnt = 0;
	int i = 0;
	for (; i != ivec1.size() && i != ivec2.size(); ++i)
		ivec.push_back((ivec1[i] + ivec2[i] + cnt) % 10);
		cnt = (ivec1[i] + ivec2[i] + cnt) / 10;
	if (ivec1.size() <= ivec2.size())
		for (i; i != ivec2.size(); ++i)
			ivec.push_back((ivec2[i] + cnt) % 10);
			cnt = (ivec2[i] + cnt) / 10;
		for (i; i != ivec1.size(); ++i)
			ivec.push_back((ivec1[i] + cnt) % 10);
			cnt = (ivec1[i] + cnt) / 10;

	if (cnt == 1)

	if (ivec.size() > 0)
		tempnode = new ListNode(ivec[0]);
		result = tempnode;
		prenode = tempnode;
		return NULL;

	for (int i = 1; i != ivec.size(); ++i)
		tempnode = new ListNode(ivec[i]);
		prenode->next = tempnode;
		prenode = tempnode;

	return result;


class Solution {
    ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
        if (listLength(l1) < listLength(l2))
            return addTwoNumbers(l2, l1);
        ListNode *r1 = l1, *r2 = l2;
        int c = 0;
        bool isEnd = false;
        while (r2) {
            int val = r1 -> val + r2 -> val + c;
            r1 -> val = val % 10;
            c = val / 10;
            if (r1 -> next) r1 = r1 -> next;
            else isEnd = true;
            r2 = r2 -> next;
        while (c) {
            int val = isEnd ? c : r1 -> val + c;
            if (isEnd) r1 -> next = new ListNode(val % 10);
            else r1 -> val = val % 10;
            c = val / 10;
            if (r1 -> next) r1 = r1 -> next;
            else isEnd = true;
        return l1;
    int listLength(ListNode* head) {
        return head ? 1 + listLength(head -> next) : 0;


时间: 2024-10-22 03:28:31

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