reviews of learn python3 the hard way

Almost every time,I try my best to write a long review of the book I have read. But this time I want to have a short one.
learn python3 the hard way is a book which will teach you how to start to write codes. It has many exercises,through which you can build your habits of writing codes, revising codes, etc. Try hard as you may to type every character by yourself and you will gain more!
That‘s it!

I have read learn python the hard way last year, so this time I select sections on lists and dictionaries only.
## Data structure:lists
### exercise 32:loop and lists
1. How to make a list by loop?
2. How to add element to a list?
3. How can I test a method like append?

###exercise 38: doing things to lists
A list is an ordered list of things you want to store and access randomly or linearly by an index.
1. What lists can do?
2. Why do we need lists?
3. Can you show me some examples of lists in real world?
4. How can you get some items in lists?
## Data structure:dictionaries
### Exercise 39:dictionaries, oh, lovely dictionaries
1. What is the difference between a dictionary and a list?
2. How to iterate to print all the items in a dictionary?
3. How to add new items to a dictionary?
4. How to get an ordered dictionary?

## Head first python
I want to introduce you a new book, /head first python/.


时间: 2024-08-05 04:07:51

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