iOS App Icon Template 5.0

iOS App Icon Template 5.0的相关文章

iOS App Icon图标 尺寸规范

Commit to AppStore:1024*1024 //for App Icon[email protected]:180*180 //iPhone 6 Plus (@3x)[email protected]:120*120 //iPhone 6 and iPhone 5 (@2x)[email protected]:152*152 //iPad and iPad mini (@2x)Icon-76.png:76*76 //iPad 2 and iPad mini (@1x)

ios App Icon 和Launch Images图标规格尺寸

程序猿们辛苦写完App马上就要上线了,提交到app store审核的时候却异常麻烦.相比安卓应用,ios对图标尺寸的要求简直丧心病狂.网上随便一搜介绍的都太复杂,自己研究了下,在xcode中就可以查看自己项目所需要的图标分辨率. ios所需要的App Icon 和Launch Images会根据应用支持的ios版本,以及支持设备是iphone,ipad还是universal有所不同.比如,我做的项目部署信息如下: 因为兼容pad和iphone,还要兼容ios6.1以上系统,所要求的图片就异常多.

一键生成IOS App Icon工具

每次要提审AppStore,美术总是给一个1024x1024的 Icon ,然后就进入了繁琐的修改图片 size 和 plist 文件 Icon 配置的过程,很繁琐.这些应该是可以偷懒的啊-然后就有了这篇. 需求: 提供一张Icon 1024x1024 png 不带alpha通道,和Assets文件夹内的AppIcon.appiconset内的Content.json文件, 输出: Content.json 中指定的所有Icon. (包括命名之类的全部搞定,问题虽然小,但是省了很多事). 生成结

error items-9022:missing required icon file.the bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone/iPad Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels,in.pen format for ios versions >= 7.0

error items-9022:missing required icon file.the bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone/iPad Touch of exactly '120x120' pixels,in.pen format for ios versions >= 7.0 最近提交itunesconnect应用时,有个警告说缺少120x120图标 以下是本人解决方法: 添加Icon_120x120.png-->.plist添

The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '57x57' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions < 7.0”

用Xcode6 或 Application Loader发布时总是提示“Missing required icon file. The bundle does not contain an app icon for iPhone / iPod Touch of exactly '57x57' pixels, in .png format for iOS versions < 7.0” 修改 deployment info 中 target The bundle does not contain

xcassets: A XXxXX app icon is required for iPhone apps targeting releases of iOS prior to 7.0

很明显是图标尺寸设置的问题. 解决:Editor > New App Icon 之后会生成一个新的完整的图标集,再把图标拖进就可以了. 另外Xcode6下新建的项目比Xcode5下多了几个@3x的图标集等,如果需要在Xcode6下新建的项目在Xcode5下没有警告,只需打开Images.xcassets下AppIcon中Contents.json删掉对应的数组元素.

App Icon and Launch Images for iOS7.0 or Later

App Icon and Launch Images for iOS7.0 or Later 1.App Icon File Name File Size(px) Used For [email protected] 58 x 58 Spotlight and Settings on devices with retina display [email protected] 87 x 87 Settings on iPhone 6 Plus [email protected] 80 x 80 S

改变iOS app的icon(iOS10.3)

原文 改变iOS app的icon官方iOS10.3新增了可以让开发者去更改app的icon,接下来看看怎么更改.官方API给的东西很少,只是介绍了一个实例方法: 1 open func setAlternateIconName(_ alternateIconName: String?, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Swift.Void)? = nil) 根据传入的参数可知,我们只需要传入备用icon名字即可,然后在回调里面拿到修改的结果,成功的话error为

[iOS]The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content.

Develop Tools: xCode 5.1 I write a demo for app settings feature. The tutorial url is here. When I add a icon into app icon and build the code, I got this error "The app icon set named "AppIcon" did not have any applicable content.". I