MVC Chapter 12 Overview of MVC Projects

MVC Projects Templates

Empty 一个空 ASP.NET MVC 4 项目。
Basic 基本 ASP.NET MVC 4 项目。
Internet Application 带有使用窗体身份验证的帐户控制器的默认 ASP.NET MVC 4 项目。
Intranet Application 使用 Windows 身份验证的默认 ASP.NET MVC 4 项目。
Mobile Application 一个 ASP.NET MVC 4 项目,适用于带有使用窗体身份验证的帐户控制器的移动设备
Web API 一个 ASP.NET Web API 项目。

MVC Project Items

Folder/File               Description                                                                                                                                                  
/App_Data  This folder is where you put private data, such as XML files or databases if you are using SQL Server Express, SQLite, or other file-based repositories.
/App_Start This folder contains some core configuration settings for your project, including the definition of routes and filters and content bundles.
/bin The compiled assembly for your MVC application is placed here, along with any referenced assemblies that are not in the GAC.
/Content This is where you put static content such as CSS files and images.
/Controllers This is where you put your controller classes.
/Models This is where you put your view model and domain model classes, although all but the simplest applications benefit from defining the domain model in a dedicated project。
/Scripts This directory is intended to hold the JavaScript libraries for your application. Visual Studio adds the libraries for jQuery and several other popular JavaScript libraries.
/Views This directory holds views and partial views, usually grouped together in folders named after the controller with which they are associated.
/Views/Shared This directory holds layouts and views which are not specific to a single controller.
/Views/Web.config This is not the configuration file for your application. It contains the configuration required to make views work with ASP.NET and prevents views from being served by IIS and the namespaces imported into views by default.
/Global.asax  This is the global ASP.NET application class. Its code-behind class (Global.asax.cs) is the place to register routing configuration, as well as set up any code to run on application initialization or shutdown, or when unhandled exceptions occur.
/Web.config This is the configuration file for your application. We’ll explain more about its role later in the chapter.
/Areas Areas are a way of partitioning a large application into smaller pieces.
/App_GlobalResources These contain resource files used for localizing Web Forms pages.
This folder contains .browser XML files that describe how to identify
specific Web browsers, and what such browsers are capable of (whether
they support JavaScript, for example).

This folder contains Web Forms themes (including .skin files), which
influence how Web Forms controls are rendered.

时间: 2024-12-28 20:17:37

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the default folder would be like the following: MVC 5 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Stack 5\Packages\ Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc.5.0.0\lib\net45\System.Web.Mvc.dll MVC 4 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET MVC 4\Assembli mvc 3.0 知识点整理 ----- (3) mvc 3 和 mvc 4 对比 mvc的版本更新很快,每个版本都在前一个版本的基础上,进行性能的优化和功能的完善和提升. 以下,便是我对比了下两个版本,发现最基本的差异.(更新补充中..) 一.关于配置类Global.asax的不同 为了较少配置类的杂乱代码, mvc 4 中 将Global.asax文件中的内容单独到 App_Start 下的几个配置文件中去. 在 mvc 3 中: public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFil

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