Entity Framework Core 2.0 新特性


一.模型级查询过滤器(Model-level query filters)

  ef core2.0包含了一个新特性,我们叫他模型级查询过滤器(Model-level query filters)。此特性允许使用Linq查询表达式直接定义在实体类型的元数据模型上。这样的过滤器会自动应用到任何LINQ查询所涉及的那些实体类型,包括间接引用的实体类型(对象引用,导航属性)。这个特性的一些常见应用是:

  • 软删除-定义一个 IsDeleted 属性
  • 多租户-定义一个 TenantId 属性


 1 public class BloggingContext : DbContext
 2 {
 3     public DbSet<Blog> Blogs { get; set; }
 4     public DbSet<Post> Posts { get; set; }
 6     public int TenantId {get; set; }
 8     protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
 9     {
10         modelBuilder.Entity<Post>().HasQueryFilter(
11             p => !p.IsDeleted
12             && p.TenantId == this.TenantId );
13     }
14 }

  我们给 Post 实体类型定义了一个模型级查询过滤器,实现了多租户和软删除。模型级过滤器将使用正确的上下文实例中的值,即执行查询的那个。

  使用  IgnoreQueryFilters() 方法在一次查询中禁用过滤器。


  • 过滤器只能在层次结构的根实体类型上定义
  • 过滤器不允许使用导航属性进行过滤(可以根据反馈添加此功能。)



  在 ef core 2.0 中,我们将自定义的DbContext类型注册到DbContextPool服务中,可让该数据库上下文类型的实例重复使用。


    options => options.UseSqlServer(connectionString));



三.显式编译查询(Explicitly compiled queries)

  这是两种可选择的性能特性之二 。

  在以前的ef版本中,调用查询api时,可以通过自动编译并缓存编译的结果达到一次计算多次调用,有效的提高了ef的性能,显示编译查询(Explicitly compiled queries)这种机制可以绕过缓存查找的性能消耗,直接调用已经编译好的表达式,获得一个小的性能提升。


 1 // Create an explicitly compiled query
 2 private static Func<CustomerContext, int, Customer> _customerById =
 3     EF.CompileQuery((CustomerContext db, int id) =>
 4         db.Customers
 5             .Include(c => c.Address)
 6             .Single(c => c.Id == id));
 8 // Use the compiled query by invoking it
 9 using (var db = new CustomerContext())
10 {
11    var customer = _customerById(db, 147);
12 }




 1 var city = "London";
 2 var contactTitle = "Sales Representative";
 4 using (var context = CreateContext())
 5 {
 6     context.Set<Customer>()
 7         .FromSql($@"
 8             SELECT *
 9             FROM ""Customers""
10             WHERE ""City"" = {city} AND
11                 ""ContactTitle"" = {contactTitle}")
12             .ToArray();
13   }


@p0=‘London‘ (Size = 4000)
@p1=‘Sales Representative‘ (Size = 4000)

FROM ""Customers""
WHERE ""City"" = @p0
    AND ""ContactTitle"" = @p1

五.Attach can track a graph of new and existing entities

  EF Core supports automatic generation of key values through a variety of mechanisms. When using this feature, a value is generated if the key property is the CLR default--usually zero or null. This means that a graph of entities can be passed to  DbContext.Attach  or  DbSet.Attach  and EF Core will mark those entities that have a key already set as Unchanged while those entities that do not have a key set will be marked as  Added . This makes it easy to attach a graph of mixed new and existing entities when using generated keys.  DbContext.Update  and  DbSet.Update  work in the same way, except that entities with a key set are marked as  Modified  instead of  Unchanged .

六.表拆分(Table splitting)




1 modelBuilder.Entity<Product>()
2     .HasOne(e => e.Details).WithOne(e => e.Product)
3     .HasForeignKey<ProductDetails>(e => e.Id);
4 modelBuilder.Entity<Product>().ToTable("Products");
5 modelBuilder.Entity<ProductDetails>().ToTable("Products");

七.Owned types




 1 modelBuilder.Entity<Order>().OwnsOne(p => p.OrderDetails, cb =>
 2     {
 3         cb.OwnsOne(c => c.BillingAddress);
 4         cb.OwnsOne(c => c.ShippingAddress);
 5     });
 7 public class Order
 8 {
 9     public int Id { get; set; }
10     public OrderDetails OrderDetails { get; set; }
11 }
13 public class OrderDetails
14 {
15     public StreetAddress BillingAddress { get; set; }
16     public StreetAddress ShippingAddress { get; set; }
17 }
19 public class StreetAddress
20 {
21     public string Street { get; set; }
22     public string City { get; set; }
23 }



  需要在 DbContext 中定义一个静态方法,并且使用 DbFunctionAttribute 特性。


1 public class BloggingContext : DbContext
2 {
3     [DbFunction]
4     public static int PostReadCount(int blogId)
5     {
6         throw new Exception();
7     }
8 }



  • 按照惯例,在生成SQL时,该方法的名称用作函数的名称(在本例中是用户定义的函数),但可以在方法注册期间重写名称和schema。
  • 目前只支持标量函数
  • EF Core迁移将不负责创建它,您必须在数据库中创建映射函数

九.code first 实体配置

  在EF6可以通过 EntityTypeConfiguraiton 封装特定实体类型的配置代码,在EF Core2.0中,这个特性回来了(EF Core 之前的 core版本不支持)。


 1 class CustomerConfiguration : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Customer>
 2 {
 3   public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Customer> builder)
 4   {
 5      builder.HasKey(c => c.AlternateKey);
 6      builder.Property(c => c.Name).HasMaxLength(200);
 7    }
 8 }
10 ...
11 // OnModelCreating
12 builder.ApplyConfiguration(new CustomerConfiguration());

十.Pluralization hook for DbContext Scaffolding

  EF Core 2.0 introduces a new IPluralizer service that is used to singularize entity type names and pluralize DbSet names. The default implementation is a no-op, so this is just a hook where folks can easily plug in their own pluralizer.
Here is what it looks like for a developer to hook in their own pluralizer:

 1 public class MyDesignTimeServices : IDesignTimeServices
 2 {
 3     public void ConfigureDesignTimeServices(IServiceCollection services)
 4     {
 5         services.AddSingleton<IPluralizer, MyPluralizer>();
 6     }
 7 }
 9 public class MyPluralizer : IPluralizer
10 {
11     public string Pluralize(string name)
12     {
13         return Inflector.Inflector.Pluralize(name) ?? name;
14     }
16     public string Singularize(string name)
17     {
18         return Inflector.Inflector.Singularize(name) ?? name;
19     }
20 }




时间: 2024-12-27 07:59:42

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