configure PUTTY to not time out

To modify an existing session with "keep alives" to maintain your connection follow the steps below:

  1. Open the PuTTy application and navigate to the Options panel.
  2. Load the session definition by selecting it from the list.
  3. Click Load
  4. Select Connection
  5. In the field Sending null packets to keep session active change the default value from 0 to 1800 (30 minutes)
  6. Check the Enable TCP keepalives (SO_KEEPALIVE option) check box.
    Note: This option may not available in older versions of the PuTTY client.
  7. Select Session from the left hand menu
  8. Select Save

Any new sessions will now use these modified connection options.

时间: 2024-08-24 15:49:28

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