Android Studio 升级到 1.0后 有几个配置的字段改了。

Android Studio version 1.0.0 Released

Much waited Android studio V1 is out. Well,  if you are android dev, and do android as your day job, you should not be excited about this release much because , we know how quick is google when it comes to AS releases.

I am happy now the AS is out of BETA. Now I expect google to be responsible as not to ship buggy versions anymore. Thanks Google for taking AS out from Beta.

While this post is about AS 1 release, this is particularly about a FIX you need to do to your Gradle builds to get the new version up and running. If you use following properites in your build file, you might have a tough time figuring out why your builds are failing with this new shiny production ready AS.

OK, lets cut to the chase.

If you get one of these errors,

  1. Gradle DSL method not found: ‘runProguard()‘
  2. Gradle DSL method not found: ‘zipAlign()‘
  3. Gradle DSL method not found: ‘jniDebugBuild()‘
  4. Gradle DSL method not found: ‘renderscriptDebug()‘

You should change those property names to these new ones,

  1. BuildType.runProguard  ->  minifyEnabled
  2. BuildType.zipAlign  -> zipAlignEnabled
  3. BuildType.jniDebugBuild  -> jniDebuggable
  4. BuildType.renderscriptDebug  -> renderscriptDebuggable

Find more changes below,

Lesson learned,

Don‘t update AS, without looking at release notes as new releases may not be backward compatible.

时间: 2024-10-05 03:09:54

Android Studio 升级到 1.0后 有几个配置的字段改了。的相关文章

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