14年写的sqlite orm库,当时为了尽快熟悉android数据库操作,所以自己动手写了这个库。然后用这个库开发了几个项目发现用的还是比较顺手的,于是就写篇博客记录下吧。
public class SQLiteUtil { private SQLiteDatabase db; private Context context; /** * @param dbName * @param context */ public SQLiteUtil(String dbName, Context context) { this.context = context; //打开或创建数据库 db = this.context.openOrCreateDatabase(dbName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null); } /** * 建表语句,如果表不存在则建表 * * @param table 表结构,示例 tableName(field1 text primary key, field2 integer) */ public void createTable(String table) { String cts = "create table if not exists " + table + "; ";//建表语句 db.execSQL(cts); } /** * 删除表 * * @param table 表名 */ public void deleteTable(String table) { String sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table; db.execSQL(sql); } /** * 执行sql命令 * * @param sql */ public void execSql(String sql) { db.execSQL(sql); } /** * 增加一条新的数据 */ public <T> void insert(String tableName, T data, Class<T> clazz) { String sql = "insert into " + tableName + " "; String fields = "( "; String value = " VALUES( "; for (Field f : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); if (null != f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class)) { SqlField ta = f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class); fields += ta.field() + ","; try { if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("int")) { value += f.getInt(data) + ","; } else if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("String")) { value += "‘" + f.get(data).toString() + "‘,"; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } fields = fields.substring(0, fields.length() - 1) + ") "; value = value.substring(0, value.length() - 1) + ") "; sql = sql + fields + value; StaticMethod.debugEMSG(sql); db.execSQL(sql); } /** * 修改数据 */ public <T> void update(String tableName, String where, T data, Class<T> clazz) { String sql = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET "; String set = ""; for (Field f : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); if (null != f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class)) { SqlField ta = f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class); try { if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("int")) { set += " " + ta.field() + " = " + f.getInt(data) + ","; } else if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("String")) { if (f.get(data).toString() != null) set += " " + ta.field() + " = ‘" + f.get(data).toString() + "‘,"; } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } set = set.substring(0, set.length() - 1); sql = sql + set + where; db.execSQL(sql); } /** * 查询方法,返回对应的数组 * * @param sql * @param <T> 泛型对象,必须提供一个空白构造函数 * @return */ public <T> List<T> query(String sql, Class<T> clazz) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null); try { while (c.moveToNext()) { T temp = (T) Class.forName(clazz.getName()).newInstance(); for (Field f : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { f.setAccessible(true); if (null != f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class)) { SqlField ta = f.getAnnotation(SqlField.class); if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("int")) { f.set(temp, c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(ta.field()))); } else if (f.getType().getSimpleName().equals("String")) { f.set(temp, c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ta.field()))); } } } result.add(temp); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { c.close(); } return result; } /** * 查 * * @param sql 查询语句 * @param fieldName 要返回的字段名称 * @return 返回字符串内容 */ public List<String> query(String sql, String fieldName) { Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); while (c.moveToNext()) { result.add(c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(fieldName))); } c.close(); return result; } }
@Target({ElementType.FIELD}) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) public @interface SqlField { String field(); }
@SqlField( field = "field1") public String key; @SqlField( field = "field2") public String json;
public class SqliteCache { public static void clean(String key) { String sql = "delete from " + StaticConstant.SQLCACHE + " where key=‘" + key + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } public static void save(CacheModel cache) { String sql = "select key from " + StaticConstant.SQLCACHE + " where key=‘" + cache.key + "‘"; if (StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.query(sql, "key").size() > 0) { StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.update(StaticConstant.SQLCACHE, " where key=‘" + cache.key + "‘", cache, CacheModel.class); } else { StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.insert(StaticConstant.SQLCACHE, cache, CacheModel.class); } } public static CacheModel read(String key) { String sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.SQLCACHE + " where key=‘" + key + "‘"; List<CacheModel> temp = StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.query(sql, CacheModel.class); if (temp.size() > 0) return temp.get(0); else return null; } }
public class PushMsgCache { /** * 首页已读(任务通知里面) */ public static void read1(String uid) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 2 WHERE state=1 and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.系统通知 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.销售新用户 + "‘ and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 特定通知1级已读设置 */ public static void read1(String uid, String msgType) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 2 WHERE state in(1,2) and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘ and type=‘" + msgType + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 2级通知页面已读 */ public static void read2(String uid, String msgType) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 3 WHERE state in(1,2) and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘ and type=‘" + msgType + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 详情已读 */ public static void read3(String uid, String msgType) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 4 WHERE state in(1,2,3) and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘ and type=‘" + msgType + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 微信列表已读 */ public static void readwechatlist(String uid) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 2 WHERE state=1 and " + " type=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘ and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 微信消息已读 */ public static void readwechat(String uid, String cid) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 3 WHERE state in(1,2) and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘ and targetid=‘" + cid + "‘ and type=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 跟进详情回复已读 */ public static void readgjxqhf2(String uid, String cid) { String sql = "UPDATE " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " SET state = 3 WHERE state in(1,2) and userid = ‘" + uid + "‘ and targetid=‘" + cid + "‘ and type=‘" + StaticConstant.销售新用户 + "‘"; StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.execSql(sql); } /** * 推送消息入库 * * @param json 推送过来的消息对象的json */ public static void save(String json) { Gson gson = new Gson(); NoticeCacheModel model = new NoticeCacheModel(); PushReceiverModel push = gson.fromJson(json, PushReceiverModel.class); model.setType(push.getMessageType()); model.setMsg(gson.toJson(push)); model.setTime(StaticMethod.getNowTimeStamp() + ""); model.setTargetid(push.getUid() + ""); if (push.getAdvid() != 0) { model.setUserid(push.getAdvid() + ""); } else { model.setUserid(push.getAdvisorid() + ""); } model.setState(1); StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.insert(StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE, model, NoticeCacheModel.class); } /** * 读取推送消息 * * @param pageName 取数据的页面名称 */ public static List<PushReceiverModel> query(String pageName) { String sql = ""; switch (pageName) { case "xsgw_main"://查找所有未读的推送信息 sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state=1 and" + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.抢客户 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.系统通知 + "‘ and " + "type!=‘" + StaticConstant.销售新用户 + "‘" + "order by time desc"; break; case "xsgw_msgbox": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state in(1,2) order by time desc"; break; case "xsjl_main": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state=1 and" + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.抢客户 + "‘ and " + " type!=‘" + StaticConstant.系统通知 + "‘ and " + "type!=‘" + StaticConstant.销售新用户 + "‘" + "order by time desc"; break; case "xsjl_msgbox": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state in(1,2) order by time desc"; break; case "wechat": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state in(1,2) and type=‘" + StaticConstant.微信对话 + "‘ order by time desc"; break; case "xsgw_main_activity": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state=1 order by time desc"; break; case "newnotice": sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state in(1,2,3) and type=‘" + StaticConstant.经理通知 + "‘"; break; case "system"://未读系统通知 sql = "select * from " + StaticConstant.NOTICECACHE + " where userid=‘" + StaticVariable.uid + "‘ and state in(1,2) and type=‘" + StaticConstant.系统通知 + "‘"; break; default: return null; } List<NoticeCacheModel> temp = StaticVariable.mSqLiteOper.query(sql, NoticeCacheModel.class); if (temp.size() > 0) { Gson gson = new Gson(); List<PushReceiverModel> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (NoticeCacheModel item : temp) { result.add(gson.fromJson(item.getMsg(), PushReceiverModel.class)); } return result; } else return null; } }