1001. Estate

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

//your code will be here
class Land



Land() : price_(0) {}

explicit Land(int price);

// calculate how much Feng Gor can earn from the land

virtual double CalMoney() = 0;


// price of unit area

int price_;


class Square : public Land



Square(double len, int price);

double CalMoney();


//length of side of a square

double len_;


class Circle : public Land



Circle(double radius, int price);

double CalMoney();


//length of radius of a circle

double radius_;


Circle::Circle(double radius, int price){
 radius_ = radius;
 price_ = price;
double Circle::CalMoney(){
 return acos(-1)*price_ * radius_ * radius_;
Square::Square(double len, int price){
 len_ = len;
 price_ = price;
double Square::CalMoney(){
 return len_ * len_ * price_;
 void  Accountant::DevelopEstate(Land* land){
 money_ += land->CalMoney();
double Accountant::CheckMoney(){
 return money_;

class Accountant



Accountant() : money_(0) {}

// develop a land, earn the value of the land

void DevelopEstate(Land* land);

// return the value of money_

double CheckMoney();


double money_;


int main(int argc, const char *argv[])


Accountant py;

Circle *a = new Circle(100, 10000);

Square *b = new Square(100, 50000);


cout << setprecision(10) << py.CheckMoney() << endl;


cout << setprecision(10) << py.CheckMoney() << endl;

return 0;


时间: 2025-01-09 16:43:15

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