vs2015 Android SDK

It was not possible to complete an automatic installation. This might be due to a problem with your network, proxy servers or an unsolvable installation conflict. At this point, you can continue the installation by manually downloading and installing the independent pieces. The list below shows each component that you need to install.

Java JDK

Download the Java JDK v1.6.0 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

It is very important to install the 32-bit version of Java JDK even if you‘re using 64-bit Windows. It is also important that Java JDK v1.6 is installed (although it is fine to have Java JDK 1.7 or newer installed at the same time)

Android SDK

Download the Android SDK for Windows version 22.0.0 to any directory on your disk and double-click it to start main SDK installation process. You can install the SDK either system wide or only for your account. You will need to point your IDE to that location after the installation is completed.

Click here in order to start the Android SDK Manager application. In the GUI make sure the following components are installed or selected for installation:

  • Android SDK Tools
  • Android SDK Platform-tools
  • Android SDK Build-tools
  • Android API 7
  • Android API 8
  • Android API 10
  • Android API 12
  • Android API 14

Once all the required components are selected (you can select others as well, if you wish) start the installation. Click here to open target dir

Download the Android NDK for Windows version r8d to any directory on your disk and double-click it to start the NDK installation.

When the Android SDK installation is finished you might want to start the Android Emulator Manager and create as many emulator images as you might need for your development. This step can be performed at any time, on an as-needed basis.


Download the GTK# v2.12.25 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click the downloaded file and follow the on-screen instructions.

Xamarin Studio

Download the Xamarin Studio v5.6.2 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.


Download the Xamarin v3.9.65 installer to any directory on your disk, double-click it and follow the on-screen instructions.

After installation, restart your Windows workstation to make sure all of the installed system services are running.

时间: 2025-01-08 00:36:05

vs2015 Android SDK的相关文章

[App]Taste VS2015 && Android

逆水飞 VS2015预览版推出,立马对其支持的跨平台移动应用开发充满兴趣.一路下载安装下来才晓得仅仅安装VS2015还只是小小一步,要支持该功能需要在后续过程中重新下载支持跨平台开发的多种插件和工具,包括JDK.Android SDK.Andriod NDK.Xamarin等等,因为GFW的缘故,过程总不如人意. 关于VS安装过程这篇文章介绍得较全: http://www.cnblogs.com/niunan/p/4096359.html 美中不足的是如果是全新环境构建. Android SDK

Eclipse+ADT+Android SDK 搭建安卓开发环境

要求 必备知识 windows 7 基本操作. 运行环境 windows 7 下载地址 环境下载 最近开接触Android(安卓)嵌入式开发,首要问题是搭建Andoid开发环境,由于本人用的是windows7的笔记本,也就只能到Windows中搭建Android 开发环境了! 就搭建环境都花了比较长的时间, 在各种版本之间折腾了比较久的时间, 装好后SDK包更新又是一个比较大的麻烦(天朝的网络大家懂的--).下面把我的安装过程和经验分享个大家!! 安装JDK 这里可以参考我之前写的一篇关于安装J

中科院开源协会镜像站 Android SDK镜像测试发布

科技网最大的镜像站,中科院开源协会镜像站项目正式启动. 目前先行发布Android SDK镜像. 支持IPV6,享受飞一般的速度. 在宿舍下载更可享受不计流量的快感. 使用方法 启动 Android SDK Manager ,打开主界面,依次选择「Tools」.「Options...」,弹出『Android SDK Manager - Settings』窗口: 在『Android SDK Manager - Settings』窗口中,在「HTTP Proxy Server」和「HTTP Prox

Android SDK 在线更新镜像服务器资源

Android SDK 在线更新镜像服务器资源: 大连东软信息学院镜像服务器地址: http://mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn 端口:80 北京化工大学镜像服务器地址: IPv4: http://ubuntu.buct.edu.cn/ 端口:80 IPv4: http://ubuntu.buct.cn/ 端口:80 IPv6: http://ubuntu.buct6.edu.cn/ 端口:80 上海GDG镜像服务器地址: http://sdk.gdgshanghai.com 端口

Android SDK 离线包下载(2014年8月7日更新)

安装其实不必一个一个来的,把需要安装的包复制到sdk/temp目录下,然后打开SDK Manager,先更新一下列表(这个应该都能做到,但是下软件可能就很慢了),然后断网,勾选需要安装的包,直接安装就可以了. 下载地址:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntme29r 目前所有的文件列表如下: Android SDK Offline/ ├── adt │   └── ADT-23.0.2.zip ├── adt-bundle │   ├── adt-bundle-linux-x86

android SDK 更新的几个网址

etc\hosts       dl-ssl.google.com 启动 Android SDK Manager ,打开主界面,依次选择「Tools」.「Options...」,弹出『Android SDK Manager - Settings』窗口:在『Android SDK Manager - Settings』窗口中,在「HTTP Proxy Server」和「HTTP Proxy Port」输入框内填入mirrors.neusoft.edu.cn和80,并且选中

02. Android SDK 特征

SDK (software development kit)软件开发工具包.被软件开发工程师用于为特定的软件包.软件框架.硬件平台.操作系统等建立应用软件的开发工具的集合. 因此 Android SDK 就是Android专属的软件开发工具包. Android SDK特征 访问硬件(包括摄像头.GPS和传感器) Android包含了用来设计设备硬件开发的API开发.这些API库可以保证不必为不同的设备创建软件的特殊实现,因此,创建的Android应用程序 就可以像预料中的那样运行在所有支持And

android sdk manager 代理设置

解决android sdk更新慢的问题(公司竟然把sdk更新给墙了). 第一步:如下图 第二部:进入代理设置页面,进行设置.如下图

打开Android Studio时报Unable to access Android SDK add-on list

第一次安装Android studio时候弹出unable to access android sdk add-on list原因是你电脑没有SDK而且你下载的android studio又是不带SDK的: 解决方法:在自己安装的目录下找到:bin\idea.properties打开这个文件末尾添加一行disable.android.first.run=true就行了,如果打不开这个文件,可以下载安装EditPlus工具或者sublime_text工具,用工具打开修改即可.