








/*By QiXingzhi*/
#include <cstdio>
#define  r  read()
#define  Max(a,b)  (((a)>(b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define  Min(a,b)  (((a)<(b)) ? (a) : (b))
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int MAXN = 100010;
const int INF = 1061109567;
inline int read(){
    int x = 0; int w = 1; register int c = getchar();
    while(c ^ ‘-‘ && (c < ‘0‘ || c > ‘9‘)) c = getchar();
    if(c == ‘-‘) w = -1, c = getchar();
    while(c >= ‘0‘ && c <= ‘9‘) x = (x << 3) +(x << 1) + c - ‘0‘, c = getchar();
    return x * w;
struct Splay{
    int ch[MAXN][2], fa[MAXN], val[MAXN], size[MAXN], cnt[MAXN], root, num_node;
    inline bool Son(int f, int x){ return ch[f][1] == x; }
    inline void Update(int x){ size[x] = size[ch[x][0]] + size[ch[x][1]] + cnt[x]; }
    inline void Rotate(int x){
        int f = fa[x], gf = fa[f];
        int p = Son(f, x), q = !p;
        ch[f][p] = ch[x][q], fa[ch[x][q]] = f;
        ch[x][q] = f, fa[f] = x;
        fa[x] = gf;
        if(gf != 0) ch[gf][Son(gf,f)] = x; else root = x;
        Update(x), Update(f);
    inline void splay(int x, int target){
        while(fa[x] != target){
            int f = fa[x], gf = fa[f];
            if(gf == target) Rotate(x);
                if(Son(gf, f) == Son(f, x)) Rotate(f), Rotate(x);
                else Rotate(x), Rotate(x);
    inline void Insert(int v){
        if(root == 0){
            root = ++num_node;
            size[num_node] = cnt[num_node] = 1;
            val[num_node] = v;
        int p = 0;
        for(int x = root; x != 0; x = ch[x][p]){
            p = v > val[x];
            if(v == val[x]){
                ++cnt[x], splay(x, 0);
            if(ch[x][p] == 0){
                ch[x][p] = ++num_node;
                fa[ch[x][p]] = x;
                size[ch[x][p]] = cnt[ch[x][p]] = 1;
                val[ch[x][p]] = v;
                splay(ch[x][p], 0);
    inline void Find(int v){
        int x = root, p;
        for(; x != 0; x = ch[x][p]){
            if(v == val[x]){ splay(x, 0); return; }
            p = v > val[x];
            if(ch[x][p] == 0){ splay(x, 0); return; }
    inline void Delete(int v){
        if(val[root] != v) return;
        if(cnt[root] > 1){ --cnt[root]; return; }
        if(ch[root][0] == 0 && ch[root][1] == 0){ root = fa[root] = 0; return; }
        if(ch[root][0] == 0){ root = ch[root][1], fa[root] = 0; return; }
        if(ch[root][1] == 0){ root = ch[root][0], fa[root] = 0; return; }
        int l_max = ch[root][0];
        for(; ; l_max = ch[l_max][1]) if(ch[l_max][1] == 0) break;
        splay(l_max, root);
        int pre_root = root;
        root = l_max;
        fa[root] = 0;
        ch[root][1] = ch[pre_root][1];
        if(ch[pre_root][1] != 0) fa[ch[pre_root][1]] = root;
    inline int Pre(int v){
        int x = ch[root][0], ans;
        for(;; x = ch[x][1])
            if(ch[x][1] == 0){ ans = val[x]; break; }
        return ans;
    inline int Nxt(int v){
        int x = ch[root][1], ans;
        for(; ; x = ch[x][0])
            if(ch[x][0] == 0){ ans = val[x]; break; }
        return ans;
    inline int Kth(int k){
        int x = root, p = 0;
            if(size[ch[x][0]] + cnt[x] >= k && size[ch[x][0]] < k) return val[x];
            else if(size[ch[x][0]] >= k) x = ch[x][0];
                k -= (size[ch[x][0]] + cnt[x]);
                x = ch[x][1];
    inline int Rank(int v){
        return (size[ch[root][0]] + 1);
int n,opt,x;
int main(){
    n = r;
        opt = r, x = r;
        if(opt == 1) qxz.Insert(x);
        if(opt == 2) qxz.Delete(x);
        if(opt == 3) printf("%d\n", qxz.Rank(x));
        if(opt == 4) printf("%d\n", qxz.Kth(x));
        if(opt == 5) printf("%d\n", qxz.Pre(x));
        if(opt == 6) printf("%d\n", qxz.Nxt(x));
    return 0;


/*This Program is written by QiXingZhi*/
#include <cstdio>
#define  N    (100010)
#define  ll    long long
#define  INF    (0x7f7f7f7f)
#define  read(x)    x=Rd()
#define  Max(a,b)    (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define  Min(a,b)    (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define  FILE_IN(x)    freopen(x".in","r",stdin)
using namespace std;
inline int Rd(){
    char c = getchar(); int x = 0;int w = 1;
    while(c ^ ‘-‘ && (c < ‘0‘ || c > ‘9‘)) c=getchar();
    if(c == ‘-‘) w = -1, c = getchar();
    while(c >= ‘0‘ && c <= ‘9‘) x = (x<<3)+(x<<1)+c-48,c = getchar();
    return x * w;
struct Node{
    int val,sz,cnt;
    Node* fa;
    Node* s[2];
    Node(){fa=s[0]=s[1]=NULL; val=sz=cnt=0; }
int n,m,opt,x;
Node* tree;
inline bool Rson(Node* a, Node* b){return ((a->s[1])==(b));}
inline int Size(Node* o){
    if(o == NULL) return 0;
    return o->sz;
inline void Update(Node* o){
    if(o == NULL) return;
    o->sz = o->cnt + Size(o->s[0]) + Size(o->s[1]);
inline void Rotate(Node* x){
    Node *f = x->fa, *gf = f->fa;
    bool p = Rson(f,x),q = !p;
    f->s[p] = x->s[q];
    if(x->s[q] != NULL) x->s[q]->fa = f;
    x->s[q] = f,f->fa = x,x->fa = gf;
    if(gf != NULL) gf->s[Rson(gf,f)] = x; else tree = x;
inline void Splay(Node* x, Node* t){
    while(x->fa != t){
        Node *f = x->fa, *gf = f->fa;
        if(gf == t)Rotate(x);
            bool p = Rson(f,x);
            if(Rson(gf,f) ^ Rson(f,x)) Rotate(x),Rotate(x);
            else Rotate(f),Rotate(x);
inline void Insert(int x){
    bool b;
    if(tree == NULL){
        tree = new Node();
        tree->val = x, tree->cnt = tree->sz = 1;
    for(Node* o = tree; o != NULL; ){
        b = x >= o->val;
        if(o->val == x){
            if(o->s[b] == NULL){
                o->s[b] = new Node();
                o->s[b]->fa = o;
                o->s[b]->val = x;
                o->s[b]->cnt = o->s[b]->sz = 1;
//                Update(o);
        o = o->s[b];
inline void Find(int val){
    Node *o = tree;
    for(; o != NULL; o = o->s[val >= o->val]) if(o->val == val) break;
    if(o != NULL) Splay(o,NULL);
inline int Rnk(int x){
    return Size(tree->s[0]) + 1;
inline int Kth(int k){
    Node* o = tree;
        if(Size(o->s[0])+o->cnt >= k && Size(o->s[0]) < k) return o->val;
        else if(Size(o->s[0]) >= k) o = o->s[0];
            k -= (Size(o->s[0]) + o->cnt);
            o = o->s[1];
inline void Delete(int val){
    if(tree->val != val) return;
    if(tree->cnt > 1){
    else if(tree->s[0] == NULL){
        tree = tree->s[1];
        if(tree != NULL) tree->fa = NULL;
    else if(tree->s[1] == NULL){
        tree = tree->s[0];
        if(tree != NULL) tree->fa = NULL;
        Node* l_max = tree->s[0];
        for(; l_max->s[1] != NULL; l_max = l_max->s[1]);
        Node* pre_tree = tree;
        tree = l_max;
        tree->fa = NULL;
        tree->s[1] = pre_tree->s[1];
        if(pre_tree->s[1] != NULL) pre_tree->s[1]->fa = tree;
inline int Pre(int val){
    Node* o = tree->s[0];
    for(; o->s[1] != NULL; o = o->s[1]);
    return o->val;
inline int Nxt(int val){
    Node* o = tree->s[1];
    for(; o->s[0] != NULL; o = o->s[0]);
    return o->val;
int main(){
        if(opt == 1) Insert(x);
        if(opt == 2) Delete(x);
        if(opt == 3) printf("%d\n", Rnk(x));
        if(opt == 4) printf("%d\n", Kth(x));
        if(opt == 5) printf("%d\n", Pre(x));
        if(opt == 6) printf("%d\n", Nxt(x));
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-05 12:16:56


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「ZJOI2017」树状数组 以下均基于模2意义下,默认\(n,m\)同阶. 熟悉树状数组的应该可以发现,这题其实是求\(l-1\)和\(r\)位置值相同的概率. 显然\(l=1\)的情况需要特盘. 大暴力 对于\(l=1\)的情况,可以发现一个操作不会产生影响当且仅当增加\(r\)的值,而其他情况会改变\(l-1\)或\(r\). 对于\(l!=1\)的情况: ? 针对一次修改区间\([ql,qr]\). \([ql,qr]\)包含\(l-1,r\),那么有\(\displaystyle 2